
After that, I went to sleep at 11:58, EST, last night after finishing my Black Demon task

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After that, I went to sleep at 11:58, EST, last night after finishing my Black Demon task

So I sign in today and attempt to RS Gold chat I receive a message stating "You were temporarily muted due to breaking the rules. This mute is in effect for a second two days. To avoid mutes from occurring, take note of the rules."

After that, I went to sleep at 11:58, EST, last night after finishing my Black Demon task, and carrying out the majority of my Spiritual Mages tasks, in silence with no other people around. I didn't speak in public or in clan chat. The only time I did talk was in Sal's chat with friends as well as via Skype (irrelevant).

At the time of writing I haven't said any offensive thing in Sal'spost, and even in the event that I did said something, it's still Sal's! Even though most of us are pretty laid back and aren't hovering at the button to report, there are a few people who do report in order to make people angry hoping to be dismissed. Also, WannaBePMod's. Unless you actually offended anyone, in which case we're generally good citizenry, law-abiding citizens. you're fudgeed.

To support my claim In my account management it says that I will be exiled for one more day with no proof showing up. This is muted by a player moderator and the PMod has to have seen you. The person isn't required to show proof as the situation is only temporary. For this reason, it's likely not a case of a report.

So. My concerns are as simple as Do I have to buy runescape levels be really muted for? 1-day or 2-day? 2 days is standard except if you're lucky and Jagex will remove the mute quickly (they often review them, iirc). What Player Mod removed me from the game (otherwise there would be evidence)? Why am I so disappointed in Sal's? It's an PMod mute. There are only a couple of these and they're accountable. So don't blame Sal's. All that's left is to  be peaceful until I'm muted.
