
This is definitely not the ideal method but it's the way I do it and it works.

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This is the RuneScape gold Slayer dart method basically: Have DH first (don't forget to beg ). Karil second (beg because he hits fast and hard, melee). Ahrims (use what's left of your own prayer + dragonhide and a melee weapon). Verac (most men and women beg here but I don't enjoy using Prayer pots so I simply tank and use my meals to cure ). Guthan (hes a slice of cake, should not give you much trouble). Torag (even simpler than Guthan). If you're thinking about why I take a Prayer potion it's if I get a DH tunnel, you should always pray when battling DH since he can hit fairly hard.

I normally get a KC of 20ish, it doesn't help getting Barrow items more often but it helps becoming more runes/racks etc..

This is definitely not the ideal method but it's the way I do it and it works. It's also pretty cheap if you do it right, at least that I earn money every trip (not much but still gain ) even when I don't buy a Barrows item. Would not that just dab. Also, is there some quests I must perform other then preist in peril (I better finish this one soon haha!) The accuracy of Slayer dart is not affected by your magical bonus, it merely affects how hard you hit with it so that it's far better to just take melee armour for greater defensive bonuses.

Slayer Dart accuracy is influenced by your mage bonus (go kill metal drags in rune and compare it to Mystic, you'll notice a massive difference). Damage, however, is not. You may hit exactly the exact same in mystical as you want in rune. As for the black sally, it is really only worth using in the event you've got a high defence level or are utilizing blitz/barrage too to sidestep. Sally is a bit more consistent afterward slayer dart, and iirc it strikes more at 70 mage afterward slayer dart does at 70 mage. Unless you've got 85+ def, or buy OSRS gold 82+ magic, you might as well just use slayer dart.
