
How To Test and Fix a Green Pool

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Are you frustrated with the sight of a green pool? Don't worry, we've got you covered. The most common reason for a pool turning green is the growth of algae in the water. Algae can thrive rapidly, particularly in warm weather, catching you off guard during the hotter months. U

Chlorine is an effective disinfectant. However, if chlorine levels drop even for a day, it can lead to an outbreak of algae. That's why it's crucial to regularly check your chlorine levels to save yourself from any unpleasant surprises.

In any case, there are several simple steps you can follow to restore your pool to a healthy state without having to drain it. Please note that these steps apply to chlorine-based pool disinfectants, including salt and mineral pool disinfectants.

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5 Simple Steps to Get Your Sparkling Clean Pool Back

  1. Balance the pH and shock the water with chlorine
  2. Check for any issues or faults in the filtration system. Repair if necessary
  3. Brush the walls and floor to disturb the algae in the pool water. Remove any debris from the bottom of the pool floor. Ensure all baskets are clean
  4. Backwash the filter
  5. Set the valve back to filter and turn on the pump

What if my pool is dark green and I can't see the bottom?

If your pool is dark green and you can't see the bottom, you'll need to add a clarifier or flocculant the following day to remove the dead algae.

For a 50,000L green pool, you can add the following:

  • 1kg Ezy Sanitiser and 2.5L Pool Power Algaecide. Run the filter for 24 hours, then add 500ml of liquid clarifier. After treatment, the pool may have varying degrees of cloudiness due to the dead algae. If the water doesn't clear through normal filtration, consider using a strong flocculant.*

For light green pools with a capacity of 50,000L, we recommend the following:

  • 500g Ezy Sanitiser, 1L Pool Power Algaecide, and 1 x Sparkle clarifier tablet or 200ml Natural Clarifier. Run the filter for 24 hours.

Note: Copper-based algaecides like Long Life Algaecide or Pool Power Algaecide should not be used in Ionized Pools, with certain brands of chlorinators, or where high copper levels may be present.

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If copper is an issue, we recommend using Pool Algaecide or Supreme Algaecide. These algaecides should be added monthly as a maintenance algaecide. Once the pool is clean, it's advisable to test for phosphates and treat them with the appropriate dosage of Phosphate Remover to prevent recurring algae.

Warning: The use of flocculant can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Other Ways to Restore a Green Pool

Cartridge Filters - When using clarifiers and flocculants, please monitor your pressure gauge. If the pressure reaches a high level, remove the cartridge and rinse it clean.

Sand and Glass Filters - At the end of your pool water treatment, backwash and clean your filter properly using filter cleaner.


  1. Do not add any chemicals to your pool unless you know what you're doing. Adding incorrect chemicals will create additional problems.
  2. Be cautious when mixing pool chemicals with water. Always add the chemical to the water.
  3. Never mix different chemicals together.


  1. Remove leaves and other floating debris from the pool daily. It's much easier to remove floating debris before it settles on the bottom.
  2. Wear old clothing when using pool chemicals. If chlorine spills or drips onto clothes, it can remove color.
  3. You can regularly take a water sample to your local pool store for a complete analysis. It can help you detect pool problems early on.
  4. Keep your chlorine levels between 2.0 and 4.0 ppm to prevent algae from developing.

Read more: The Pool Profit

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: How do I know when my pool is ready to use after the restoration process?
Answer: Your pool will be clear and transparent without any signs of greenness. The chlorine and pH levels should also be within an acceptable range.

Question: Will using a flocculant save me from having to brush the pool regularly?
Answer: While flocculants can help remove algae, it's still important to regularly brush your pool walls and floor to prevent algae formation.

Question: Can I reduce the amount of chemicals to save money?
Answer: It is not recommended to reduce the amount of chemicals as it can lead to an imbalance in the water and cause algae problems. It's better to properly maintain your pool and use the recommended doses.

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Question: How can I prevent my pool from turning green again?
Answer: By regularly monitoring the pH and chlorine levels, brushing the pool, cleaning the filters, and using the pool regularly, you can prevent the formation of algae and keep your pool clear and clean.

Question: How often should I use algaecides to prevent algae?
Answer: It is recommended to add algaecide once a month as a maintenance measure. This will help prevent algae formation and keep your pool in good condition.

Question: Do I need to use a deodorizer after restoring my pool?
Answer: It's not necessary to use a deodorizer after restoring your pool. If the water is clear and odorless, it's a sign that the pool is in good condition.

With these instructions and tips, you can restore your green pool to its full glory without having to drain it. Keep your pool water clean and healthy to ensure a pleasant swimming experience.

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