
Tips for Traveling with Your LuminAID Lights

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Are you planning an international trip and want to bring your LuminAID lights along? Traveling with these portable solar lights can be a cost-effective way to transport aid items, especially for nonprofit organizations. However, it's essential to be aware of airline baggage policies,

Are you planning an international trip and want to bring your LuminAID lights along? Traveling with these portable solar lights can be a cost-effective way to transport aid items, especially for nonprofit organizations. However, it's essential to be aware of airline baggage policies, TSA battery regulations, and customs clearance procedures to ensure a smooth journey. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips to make your travel experience with LuminAID lights hassle-free.

Pack According to Your Airline's Baggage Policy

Before you embark on your trip, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with your airline's baggage limits. Most airlines have stated weight and size restrictions for both carry-on and checked luggage. You can easily find this information on the airline's website or through comparison charts available online. If you plan to check a bag, it's often cheaper to pay for it online during the check-in process rather than waiting until you reach the airport.

The good news is that LuminAID lights are designed to pack flat, making them easy to transport. These lights take up minimal space, allowing you to fit a significant number of them in your luggage. For instance, during a relief mission to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, our co-founders managed to fit 106 PackLite Max 2-in-1 Phone Chargers into a checked roller bag suitcase. So don't hesitate to bring as many lights as you need to provide aid effectively.

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Comply with TSA Battery Regulations

LuminAID lights, like many portable electronics, operate on lithium-ion batteries. Fortunately, you can pack these lights in both your carry-on and checked luggage as long as they are turned off and securely packed. To expedite the security screening process, we recommend taking LuminAID lights out of your bag and placing them flat in a bin when going through TSA security. Although our solar lanterns are about the size of a large cell phone, taking them out is an extra precaution. Additionally, we advise packing the lights with their packaging and instruction manuals to help TSA agents understand the product if needed.

Before your trip, review the FAA's Pack Safe guide for the latest regulations. LuminAID lights fall under the category of "Portable electronic devices containing batteries." It's essential to note that these lights do not fall under the same category as spare or loose lithium-ion batteries, which have stricter regulations.

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Prepare Documentation for Customs Clearance

When traveling internationally, it's crucial to have photocopies of essential documents such as your passport, visa, and vaccination records. Additionally, when going through customs, you will need to declare the items in your luggage. Depending on the country you're visiting, you may be required to pay a customs duty charge based on the value of the goods you're bringing in. To avoid any issues, it's advisable to print and bring copies of your receipts or order confirmation emails, especially if you purchased the goods at a discount. This way, you won't be responsible for the full retail value of the items.

We recommend bringing a letter on your organization's letterhead that details the humanitarian purpose of your travel and confirms that the goods are not for resale. This letter may exempt you from duties or taxes. Before your trip, reach out to the foreign embassy or consulate of the country you're visiting to understand what to expect at customs. You can also consult's Country Information pages or refer to a guide on how to prepare for an international humanitarian trip.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I bring LuminAID lights on board as a carry-on item?

A: Yes, you can bring LuminAID lights in your carry-on luggage. Make sure they are turned off and securely packed.

Q: Do I need to take LuminAID lights out of my bag during the TSA security screening?

A: We recommend taking LuminAID lights out of your bag and placing them flat in a bin to expedite the screening process. Although it's not mandatory, it's an extra precaution to ensure a smooth experience.

Q: Are LuminAID lights subject to stricter regulations due to their lithium-ion batteries?

A: LuminAID lights, as portable electronic devices containing batteries, have specific regulations but are not subject to the same restrictions as spare or loose lithium-ion batteries. Review the FAA's Pack Safe guide for the latest policies.

Q: What documentation should I prepare for customs clearance?

A: Make photocopies of your passport, visa, and vaccination records. Additionally, bring copies of your receipts or order confirmation emails to prove the value of the goods you're bringing in. A letter on your organization's letterhead explaining the humanitarian purpose of your travel is also recommended.

Traveling with your LuminAID lights can make a significant impact in regions where access to electricity is limited. By following these helpful tips, you can ensure a smooth journey and bring light to those who need it the most.
