
From Screen Time To Green Time: How To Get Your Kids Outdoors!

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Know that the entire objective of this encouragement is to make outdoor activities a part of your kid's lifestyle. While digital gadgets seem addictive

Do you remember the carefree days of your childhood spent exploring the outdoors and engaging in fun activities with your friends? 

With so many delightful details, we bet you would wish the same for your kids. Yet, this generation is more interested in digital gadgets and video games. So, they're unable to perceive outdoor play's physical and mental perks.

Nowadays, Emirati parents are taking their kids to outdoor gateways like the largest zipline in Dubai to help them reconnect with nature and reap its benefits. Allowing children to engage in outdoor activities can be challenging, but it's not impossible. 

With the following tactics, you can persuade your kids to enjoy the great outdoors and all its wonderful offerings. 

  1. Make It Fun-Friendly 

When planning outdoor activities for your kids, consider the outdoor games that will catch their attention and keep them engaged. 

If you have teenagers, consider games like hide-and-seek, tree climbing, and rope coursing that will keep them excited. Always ensure that the activities you choose are age-appropriate and enjoyable. 

Whether it's exploring nature, playing sports, or being creative, your kids will enjoy plenty of outdoor activities.

  1. Join In With Them

Participating in age-friendly activities with our kids is more than just providing them with opportunities - it's about being a role model and actively engaging with them. 

Playing sports, going for bike rides, or taking hikes together create fun memories and instill the importance of an active lifestyle.

  1. Create A Playful Environment 

Creating a playful and imaginative outdoor environment is vital to keeping kids engaged and entertained for extended periods. 

You can provide them with toys and props that stimulate creativity and encourage physical activity. Consider options such as balls, jump ropes, and chalk for drawing, which can help children develop their motor skills and express themselves in unique ways. 

Additionally, buckets for collecting treasures can be a fun and interactive way to explore the outdoors and learn about nature.

  1. Plan Family Outings

Next, you must organize family outings to parks, nature reserves, and recreational areas. Make it a special event by including a picnic, snacks, or a small adventure like bird watching or geocaching. 

At the same time, you can introduce new outdoor activities periodically to keep things interesting. It may include trying out a new sport, learning a fly kite, or exploring different nature trails.

  1. Incorporate Technology 

While it's important to limit screen time for kids, it's essential to recognize the value of technology in enhancing outdoor experiences. 

With the help of apps, identifying plants and animals can be an engaging and educational activity for children. 

Moreover, bringing a camera to document outdoor adventures can add a new dimension to the experience. It enables kids to capture memories and explore their creative side.

  1. Organize Playdates

To keep your kids entertained while providing a fun environment, utilize your backyard. By setting up an outdoor play area with swing sets, a trampoline, and sandbox, you can create a dedicated space for play that will make outdoor activities more enticing for your kids. 

Plus, imagine the joy your children will experience when they can invite their friends over for playdates in the backyard.

  1. Celebrate Their Wins

Celebrating the small accomplishments of your kids can significantly impact morale, motivating them to strive for excellence in all areas of life. 

To empower them further, involve your kids in the planning process. Allowing them to choose activities, destinations, and themes for outdoor play can give them a sense of ownership and excitement.

  1. Let Them Explore The Nature

You can only really make your kids cherish nature once you explore the parks, hiking trails, or botanical gardens as a family. 

The goal is to enlighten them about the environment, plants, animals, and everything that’s a part of the natural surroundings. Activities like field trips and summer camps for kids are great opportunities for your kids to enjoy nature.

Wrapping Up!

Know that the entire objective of this encouragement is to make outdoor activities a part of your kid's lifestyle. While digital gadgets seem addictive, the outdoor environment must be enticing enough to make them delve into it. When doing so, these practices can help you create a positive encounter that immediately makes your kids shift from screen time to green time.

