
you worried that F2P mechanics would undercut Diablo

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I loved Diablo Immortal more than I disliked it. It's still got all the Diablo 4 Gold elements that make the series enjoyable in a way, from its exciting gameplay, its open-ended character customization and its strong sense of place, to its endless supply of fascinating loot. In fact, Diablo Immortal even has a few interesting gameplay twists that I hope Blizzard will keep in place in Diablo IV.

If you worried that F2P mechanics would undercut Diablo Immortal and cause a loss of quality, then your worries were justifiable. If you believed that Blizzard could provide a solid mobile spinoff that could fill the space until the next game in the series then you were not to be disappointed. Check out our complete Diablo Immortal review.

The controls here are quite different depending the game's platform, PC or mobile devices, but its basic gameplay is the identical. You'll pick a quest in town, venture out into the wilderness, click or tap incessantly to fight your enemies, sometimes engaging special abilities or sipping the healing potion. The combat may not be that intense, but it's satisfying and requires a bit of tactical planning, particularly when buy Diablo 4 Gold you're confronted by a horde of demons, and you must manage cooldowns on abilities as well as a finite potency.
