
Why Study MBBS In Russia 2023-24?

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MBBS in Russia indicates that it is one of the best options to pursue MBBS abroad. Studying MBBS in Russia is becoming popular among Indian students as it offers high-quality education at an affordable price. Russia is the 8th best educational destination for students from all over the world to study MBBS. About 30 places in the world ranking of medical universities are occupied by the best Russian medical universities.

MBBS in Russia

Russian medical universities offer good infrastructure, exceptional faculty and high-quality medical education. The status of MBBS course in Russia is well developed and advanced. Nowadays, most of the Russian medical universities offer MBBS course in English language to foreign students at very affordable tuition fees. Currently more than 10000 Indian students are studying in Russian medical universities, most of them are enrolled in MBBS course and this number is increasing every year.

Russian medical universities are recognized by NMC India and WHO, MBBS degree from Russia is valid in India. MBBS syllabus in Russia is similar to Indian medical colleges. Thus, students who passed MBBS in Russia are eligible for MCI screening exam in India.

Cost of studying MBBS in Russia

MBBS tuition fee in Russia is not as high as in India. Scholarships and grants are available to foreign students to help reduce the cost of education. Living costs in university hostels are also economical as they are low. Groceries in Russia are relatively affordable as in India because the economic value of Ruble and Rupee is almost the same (roughly 1 RUB= 1.15 INR). Hence, studying MPBS in Russia is cost-effective and within the budget of an ordinary Indian student.

MBBS fees in Russia are subsidized by the Russian government, which makes it affordable for Indian students to study MBBS in Russia. The average MBBS fee in Russia is USD 4000 = INR 3,00,000 per year, which is significantly lower than the fee in India, which can range from INR 10 Lacs to INR 25 Lacs per year. Low cost MBBS fees and affordable cost of living attract more Indian students to study MBBS in Russia.

MBBS Fees in Russia

MBBS fees in Russian medical universities range from US$ 4,000 to US$ 6,000 per year. Here we have put the fee structure of Russian medical universities. Check all necessary details about tuition fees, hostel fees and other expenses for MBBS studies in Russia.