
Models for Merithra and Ebyssian’s visage forms

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New models datamined from World of Warcraft’s Patch 10.2 Public WoTLK Gold Test Realm indicate the Aspects might be finally getting their powers back. These models feature the updated dragon appearances of the surviving Aspects, plus World of Warcraft's draconic newcomers Ebyssian and Merithra, with the iconic eye glow they lost in Cataclysm. Most of the Aspects also have visage models featuring this new eye glow, suggesting they may get their full powers back in the patch.

Models for Merithra and Ebyssian’s visage forms featuring the eye glow have not yet been found, but that could be because their updated humanoid forms are still being worked on. The new Black Dragonflight Aspect recently got a new model in the files, leading many World of Warcraft fans to wonder if Merithra might be receiving one alongside him in this upcoming story.

If that were not interesting enough, a new spell discovered in the World of Warcraft PTR called The Great Dragons suggests Vyranoth, the Primal Incarnate who recently joined the good guys, may be receiving this blessing as well. However, Vyranoth’s eyes already have a similar glow in both of cheap WoTLK Classic Gold her forms, so there are no new models associated with her.
