
Mobile game testing is more important than traditional console and PC markets

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Testing in the mobile game market is more important than traditional console and PC markets, as mobile games have the opportunity to continuously improve, provide more value to players, and bring practical benefits.

Do you still remember where you were on July 6th, 2016? That's a Wednesday. American tennis superstars Venus and Serena Williams reached the semi-finals at Wimbledon. Drake's' One Dance 'remains the champion song in the United States and the United Kingdom. Just a few weeks before the opening of the 31st Olympic Games, a super bacterium was discovered on the beach in Rio de Janeiro. If you are an American, perhaps you are still picking up remnants of fireworks in your backyard, and you may have seen some neighbors' children (or adults) gathering on the street corner, glued to their phones. They stood there, staring at the small screen, occasionally shouting, looking up, suddenly changing direction, as if tracking something. Then you heard a strange scream. I did it! "I caught Pikachu

That's right, July 6th, 2016 was a milestone in the mobile gaming industry, as Niantic released a globally popular game called "Pokemon GO", which combines AR and the real world, forcing people to track and capture virtual creatures outside.

In 2016, 232 million people were playing Pokemon GO. Everywhere. The author was making a Hulu TV program at Universal Studios at that time. Actors and staff often went hunting or to the gym during lunch time. At home, many neighbors wander the streets of Venice Beach, trying to gain enough experience to transform their beloved Charmander into the fierce dragon Charizard.

This success not only revitalized the series, but also gave birth to a movie starring Ryan Reynolds. This is a popular culture that will continue to define this summer. Pokemon GO earned $100 million in the first three weeks of its release, but by 2017, the craze had come to an end. By 2017, the number of GO users had decreased to 65 million, a decrease of 65%.

For most games, this is the ending. But just a few months ago, Pokemon GO's revenue exceeded $6 billion. Although the number of players is lower than the peak in 2016 (71 million players in 2021), revenue has been increasing. After experiencing a "trough" of $580 million in 2017, Poksamon GO has generated approximately $1.2 billion in annual revenue over the past two years.

So, what did Poksammon GO do to overcome this difficulty?

Traditionally, a game would have a huge impact when released (hopefully), and then gradually decrease until only a small community composed of the most hardcore fans remains. Games now have a longer lifespan on both mobile phones and consoles. The reason for this situation may be due to new games in the series, high-definition remakes on new platforms, nostalgia, or simply cyclical consumer tastes.

Pokemon GO benefited from it, but they also addressed a quality issue and continued to expand the game with new features and a better overall user experience.

Put yourself in the position of a (very cynical) executive selling console games. Of course, this person wants to provide a great product to protect the brand's reputation and generate positive word-of-mouth to accelerate sales. But at the end of the day, once the customer gives the company $60 (or $70 or $80), it ends

The lifetime value of this customer can be extended to include the possibility of purchasing future games, but in terms of individual products, the transaction has already been completed. The tangible benefits of improving the competition are future bets on goodwill and grassroots marketing.

On the contrary, in the mobile phone, especially in the free gaming market, user relationships are dynamic. The improvement of the game can bring real bottom line impact. It can be said that by reducing agitation and allowing the fish to stay on the hook for a longer time, people will see an immediate effect.

Take a look at the games that have transitioned from computers/consoles to mobile phones: "Fortress Night", "Jedi Survival", "League of Legends", "Godslay: Theater". Perhaps the most well-known free game is' Escape ', but even games specifically designed for console or PC platforms such as' Final Fantasy' and 'Madden' now have popular mobile free game derivative series.

If we accept the above assumptions, we will clearly see that testing in the mobile game market is more important than traditional console and PC markets, as mobile games have the opportunity to continuously improve, provide more value to players, and bring practical benefits. Now, this is not necessarily an endorsement of micro trading, nor does it deny that many console games also adopt micro trading. It simply states the obvious fact that a high-performance mobile game should have fewer user retention issues, which is beneficial for everyone in the long run.

So, how to quickly deliver high-quality products to existing users? How do you accept the fact that every experience is important? One solution is to test the product and ensure quality before the user generated bug assembly finally appears on Reddit's homepage.

WeTest provide mobile game developers with solutions through the convenient Toolchain, enabling them to deliver value to users faster and release high-quality games faster. Game publishers are telling users that they do not take their needs for granted. They also spend money wisely, because 20% of users will give up the product when they first encounter a Software bug in the mobile application. The revenue loss caused by 20% of users giving up far exceeds the company's spending on quality control.

Those who develop games for the mobile market know that they are not just competing with other games. They are competing for users' time. Our phones are the gateway to the world. We can read, watch videos, play games, or communicate with friends. The best way to please users in the face of such fierce competition is to continuously provide high-quality experiences. This will maintain their participation in your content and should provide a strong customer lifetime value. Conduct mobile game testing as early as possible and frequently, so you don't have to search for your shortcomings on Reddit.
