
Top 5 Racing Games for iPhone Users

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The genre of racing games is rather secure. The high-octane pleasure of kart racers and other racing games makes them a great choice for kids who are just starting out in the gaming world. The joys of youth!

The genre of racing games is rather secure. The high-octane pleasure of kart racers and other racing games makes them a great choice for kids who are just starting out in the gaming world. The joys of youth!

Race to Victory in Cars 3
When it comes to the many Pixar properties that have been turned into video games, Cars seems like the most natural fit. After the failure of Cars 2, the third installment, Cars 3, proved to be the catalyst for an unexpectedly good spin-off, Driven to Win.

The game lacks the complexity and enduring appeal of, say, Mario Kart, but it's a good time for kids who are still fascinated by Lightning McQueen and his passion for speed. Although the majority of the franchise's original voice actors don't make an appearance, gamers can still assume the roles of 23 memorable characters from the films.

Lego Car Racing

While the majority of kids who grew up with Lego Racers are probably waiting in queue for knee replacements and may need two tries to get out of a particularly low armchair, that hasn't diminished the game's appeal one bit since its PC debut in 1999.

For a wild and colourful ride through all the great karting tropes (beach, space, castle, Ancient Egypt), you can't beat High Voltage's wacky racer. There are a plethora of bizarre side bosses for the kids to defeat, such as the vampire Basil the Bat Lord, the villainous pirate Captain Redbeard, and the goofy masked islander King Kahuka. What a great way to inject character into the game!

You owe it to your own kids and to gaming history if you played Lego Racers as a kid and now have kids of your own. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't have appreciated grandpa's vintage Omega.

A Game of Rocketry
We've already had an in-depth discussion on this site about whether or not Rocket League is a racing game, and we came to the conclusion that it is, in fact, a racing game, and a fantastic one at that. Since its release for the PlayStation 4 and PC in 2015, Rocket League has maintained a dedicated fanbase despite being one of the few games with broad appeal among young people.

Rocket League is a big-hearted, high-octane joy, combining elements of karting with a sort of futuristic recreation of football.

Grand Prix of the Paw Patrol
While the quality of the many licenced karting tie-ins on the market varies, Paw Patrol Grand Prix is a safe bet for parents who want their young children to have fun with video games without being exposed to anything too intense. Grand Prix is one of the greatest racing games for young children since it is colourful, easygoing, and, most importantly, very approachable to a much younger audience.

It's also given us an excellent opportunity to make some F1 jokes about dogs. Bark Webber and Sebastian Vet-tel were the best we could do.

Happy Wheels

The omens at Happy Wheels seemed to be a bit unlucky. Some could have assumed that the choice to produce a digital tie-in for a well-known brand of toystoys that are obviously not digital but are instead brought to life by children's imaginationswas motivated more by business concerns than by creative objectives.

It's a good thing that these worries weren't fully justified. Players take command of Happy Wheels as they race against one another on small tracks set in a variety of lovely domestic environments. It masterfully depicts that sense of awe that arises when the ordinary is made spectacular by being observed from a completely different angle. It resembles a racing simulator with elements of a Toy Story scene blended throughout.Whether or not children are familiar with the original toys, Happy Wheels is one of the best racing video games for them since it is tremendously fun, clever, and has a surprising amount of depth and customizability.