
MetaMask login showing incorrect balance? – check what to do

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The software does face some issues. The issues might be because of some technical bug or because of some glitch on your operating device. Today, almost every business and every process have gone online. Right from exchanging thoughts to performing trade, everything now needs to be carried

The wallets display all the trade data and the balance that the investors hold. But think of a situation if you have stepped into your wallet after completing the Metamask login with password steps and the wallet is showing you incorrect token balances. What to do then?

This is what we are going to learn through this read. Check out the complete series of measures to know how to wipe out this issue from your wallet.

Ensure that the wallet is reflecting a wrong token balance

Before taking any action, it is advised to get sure of a particular happening. To verify that the wallet is displaying an incorrect figure of the token, check the token balance on the block explorer. To do so, get the wallet address after getting into the account by performing the MetaMask login steps. Copy the wallet address and paste it into the block explorer concerning the network. 

Eradicate the issue by adopting these measures

To resolve the issue of the incorrect token balance that you have noticed after the MetaMask login, you’ll have to simply follow a couple of measures. Implying the measures that we are going to discuss, hold a high probability that the issue of the wallet showcasing incorrect token balances will be ironed out.

The  measures to be followed if you have accessed the wallet via the web are:

  • Ensure that the device is having a strong internet connectivity
  • Stop the active tab on which the MetaMask extension is installed and then re-open it
  • If you have installed any add-blockers, attempt to turn off them
  • Choose a different network, switch to it, and then come back to your original network
  • Ensure that you are not facing a browser permission issue
  • Install MetaMask from the official website using any other browser 

If the issue doesn’t get resolved even after attempting all the provided measures, try to get in touch with the support team of the wallet to get the best guidance.

Closing Thoughts

Investors can get detailed data relating to their crypto trade by getting into their wallet account through the MetaMask login. The wallet shows a comprehensive picture of the funds that the wallet is having. If you ever checks that the wallet is displaying an incorrect balance of the available tokens, then just follow the listed measures to settle the issue. If the issue persists, try reaching out to the support team.
