
free personal prophecy

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Many years before while residing nearby the lovely pile town of Summersville, West Virginia

Many years before while residing nearby the lovely pile town of Summersville, West Virginia, I'd a many remarkable dream. The desire was split into four parts. In the first part, I was making my place as the Headmaster of a private school. Secondly, among my educators was improved to my former position. Thirdly, the board chairman who'd existed in the neighborhood every one of her life was moving away. In the next the main desire, I was saying to a big African American church about them, "You Have Settled on the Different Part of the Jordan." In the desire, this good church had accomplished much and possessed a great national ministry. Nevertheless, the Master said that they'd not achieved the happiness of their heavenly destiny. As I preached, the effective presence of the Master descended in that grand church. He started to offer revelation and path concerning the immense destiny that He'd in the offing for them. The church erupted in worship and praise. I awakened from the dream. free personal prophecy

The initial three parts of the desire happened in just a several months. I reconciled from my place, the teacher I saw in the desire turned the interim Head of College, and the board chairman and her husband offered their household company and remaining town. Nevertheless, the next the main desire did not instantly happen. Actually, I did not understand why part of the dream. Five years transferred as I frequently pondered the desire in my heart. Recently, I was asked to perform a grant publishing class and preach at a big African American church in Chicago. I still did not understand the meaning of the information, "You Have Settled On the Different Part of the Jordan" but the Master directed me to preach this message. As I learned the Term, the amazing prophetic indicating of the information in the desire was revealed.

Two and a half tribes of the Israelites found the wealthy farm and grazing lands to the east of the Jordan River to their liking. The tribes of Gad, Reuben, and half of the large group of Manasseh determined to settle on the "different side" of the Jordan and therefore not corner around into the stated land. Moses and Joshua had provided them permission to do this but with one significant requirement, their fighters must led the fight in using the Offered Land. Joshua page 3 files the remarkable parting of the flooded Jordan. The priests led the procession on a dried, heavenly course created through the flooding waters. True to their agreement, 40,000 fighters of both and a half tribes took the lead in the battle. Their heavenly destiny was to think the reigns of management in fight and bring the remaining portion of the tribes into their stated destinies and lands. Just what a good mantle of ministry was laid upon Gad, Reuben and half of Manasseh!

The Master started to disclose the heavenly destiny that He has for HIS African American people. I was given articles published by Susan Castell which surprised me. The prophetic term fond of her concerning African American believers was similar as to the the Master was revealing to me. She wrote: " You have come to the area for this type of time as this. It's now time for you to lay away the weight of racial violence and the sin of unforgiveness which so easily sticks to and entangles you. It's now time for you to overlook what lies behind and to reach forth as to the lies ahead. It's now time for you to arise and seek Me for the happiness of your heavenly destiny.

Just as the success of old Egypt and Israel rested on the shoulders of Joseph (a man offered into slavery by his friends and carried away to a foreign land), so does the success of this good state of America sleep upon you. It's now time for you to embrace My strategy and allowing Me to delivery within you one's heart and the attitude of Joseph who could forgive his friends and those that had enslaved and imprisoned him. It's now time for you to embrace the corner of My Son and become a good blessing in the area of your captivity.
