
Is a Root Canal Considered Oral Surgery?

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But you don't have to fear the procedure for root canal treatment with oral surgery. A professional dentist can perform the procedure without you even knowing about the pain


Root canal treatment is one of many people's most dreaded dental procedures. The root canal conjures images of scalpels, tunnel-boring machines and invasive surgery.

But is that really accurate?

It is not. Root canal treatment is the most common dental process and is nothing to be afraid of. In fact, it's far more likely to relieve pain than cause it. And it's not an operation; it's a regular procedure.

What Is a Root canal?

A root canal treatment is what is known as an endodontic procedure that is performed inside your tooth. It involves nothing outside of the tooth itself. No gum tissue or bone removal, scalpels, mess, or fuss.

The simplest explanation for a root canal is to remove dead, infected material from a tooth and rebuild the inside. If teeth decay, once the decay reaches the tooth pulp, the tooth will quickly go downhill. Root canals save people from having to show the gaps in their smiles. The tooth's infected pulp and decay are removed, and the inside of the tooth, where the pulp, is completely cleaned, so it is free of bacteria. Then the inside of the tooth is filled, and a cap is placed over the top of the tooth.

Every part of it happens inside the tooth. The dentist can perform a root canal without pulling out a scalpel or leaving stitches in uncomfortable places. Root canals have been common for some time, and the dental profession has become more familiar with them over time. A competent dentist can pull a root canal without any problems.

Is root canal a surgical process

Root canal treatments are a godsend for dental problems. They will take care of your infected tooth and repair the cavity of the tooth so you can get on with life with a sore tooth that gets in your way.

Best of all, do you only have to go to your family dentist to figure everything out exactly? Well, there may be better options than your regular dentist in kitchener when treating root canal problems.

Treating a root canal requires a lot of method and effort, more than what your general dentist can offer. In fact, if you don't have a personal oral surgeon to do the job, you could be putting yourself at risk.

In this article, you'll learn in detail why you need an oral surgeon for this job and why not having an oral surgeon can cause more problems than you think. Read on to find out more.

Could Not Having an Oral Surgeon Lead to Root Canal Problems?

Yes, and here's why. When you have a root canal treatment, it involves a surgical procedure. The materials needed and the entire operation require the work of a specialist dentist.

A root canal requires a dentist to go into your mouth and remove the inflamed or infected pulp built up after tooth decay. A small cavity may be easy for a general dentist to handle. Still, when you need a root canal treatment, this is already too much for general dentistry.

What Kind of Problems Could Occur?

In most cases, the biggest problems arise when a general practitioner oversees the whole matter.

When you have a root canal problem, it extends to the entire tooth. However, your general dentist may mistake it for a simple mild decay or other surface tooth problem and may miss the damaged parts in the roots.

Your general dentist can also miss tooth decay far below the surface of the tooth. However, if they cover the top of the tooth, the decay might continue to grow and spread and may even affect other teeth.

More problems can arise from improper root canal treatment, but whatever the reason, going to an oral surgeon for a root canal treatment is definitely a wise choice

For All of Your Dental Needs

Now that you know why you need a professional oral surgeon to prevent root canal problems, you might need to know where to find the right people to do the job. Luckily for you, they were the ones you needed to get the job done.

At Bloomfield Dental Designs, we specialize in a wide range of dental treatments, including root canal treatment, cosmetic dentistry, tooth bonding and cleaning, composite and amalgam fillings, laser dentistry and more.

Why should you get root canal oral surgery?

First of all, do not be afraid of a root canal treatment. Professional dentists or oral surgeons can easily perform the procedure without causing pain. Since these are the teeth, they want to let you know if something is happening. Here are some issues that may make you want root canal surgery.

1. Excruciating pain

If enough pulp and dead tissue build-up, you may experience excruciating pain. At first, you may need help to see the reason for this. After the oral root canal treatment, you can sleep pain-free at night. The procedure will eliminate all pain as the teeth return to their original shape.

2. Tooth extraction

Even the best dentist in Waterloo can treat an infected tooth in one of two ways: root canal treatment or tooth extraction. The latter is a difficult process as it can leave gaps in the teeth. This will make you consider dental implants. This means that your natural teeth must be removed. Root canal treatment preserves your original teeth while eliminating pain.

3. Bad appearance

Tooth decay, infection and dead tissue can ruin the appearance of your teeth, especially when it comes to the front teeth. You don't want people to see how bad your tooth is. Root canal treatment can help you preserve the original tooth with the help of a dental crown. It will improve the appearance of your teeth and bring that bright smile back to your face.

The number one reason for root canal treatment is to keep your smile intact. The alternative procedure, tooth extraction, is extremely risky. But you don't have to fear the procedure for root canal treatment with oral surgery. A professional dentist can perform the procedure without you even knowing about the pain.

Creating a smile that lasts

One reason to opt for root canal treatment is tooth preservation rather than a tooth extraction. Suppose you want a seamless smile and are willing to put up with a minimally invasive dentist visit. In that case, this endodontic procedure is the way to go.

You still have someone working inside a tooth, removing material and cleaning the remains. But it's not like surgery where you open or reshape flesh and bone. Your teeth are different.

If you are looking for help with a decayed tooth or need an examination, give us a call or stop by to set up a consultation. We have the technology and expertise to ensure your dental issues are treated. Rely on us, and we'll take care of you.


