
9 tips for how to study effectively for exams

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Getting ready for exams? Use these top 10 study strategies to give yourself the best chance possible, and try not to let the pressure get to you. Keep in mind that you can do this.


Give yourself sufficient study time.

Take your time. Although some students thrive on last-minute cramming, it is generally agreed that there are better strategies for most of us when taking an exam. Make a study timetable to assist you in organizing your time management. Note the number of exams and the dates you must take them. Afterward, set up your study correctly. Find a balance that seems right for you. You should devote more study time to some examinations than others.


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Make your study area organized.

To spread out your textbooks and notes, ensure you have enough space. Is there enough light? Does your chair feel cozy? Are your video games hidden from view?


Make sure you are as comfortable and able to focus as possible by eliminating distractions. This may entail near-total silence for some people, while background music benefits others. While some of us require things to be perfectly clean and ordered to focus, others do better in a messier setting. Consider what works for you, and give it the attention it deserves.

Use Diagrams and Flow charts. 

When revising, visual aids can be quite beneficial. Write down all of the information you already know about a subject at the beginning of the topic, then identify any gaps. Reduce your review notes into one-page diagrams as the exam date approaches. Writing down your thoughts in this condensed style can make it easier for you to rapidly recollect all the information you need to know throughout the exam.


Practice with previous tests

Practice taking previous tests is one of the best strategies to prepare for exams. This helps you become accustomed to the pattern of the questions, and if you time yourself, it can also be useful practice for making sure you give each portion the appropriate amount of attention.


Describe your responses to others.

It's not necessary for parents and younger siblings to bother you during exam season. Utilize them to your benefit. Tell them how to respond to a question. That will aid your mental clarity and assist you in identifying any areas that require additional effort.


Form study groups with your buddies.

Bring your pals together for a study session. They might have answers to questions you have, and you might have the opposite. This might be one of the best methods to challenge yourself, provided you make sure to pay attention to the subject for the allotted length of time.


Take periodic pauses.

Even though you might believe it's preferable to study for as long as possible, this can work against you. You wouldn't attempt to run nonstop when preparing for a marathon. Similarly, studies have shown that taking regular breaks is extremely helpful for long-term memory retention.

Since everyone is unique, choose a study schedule that suits you. Start early and take a break for lunch if you learn best in the morning. Or, if you work better at night, take a longer break earlier, so you're ready to unwind when evening rolls around.


Schedule your exam day.

Don't wait until the exam day to realize you don't know how to get there or what to bring; make sure everything is ready well in advance. Plan your route and travel time after reviewing all the guidelines. Run the trip through a test run if you can. If not, jot down detailed instructions.


Take in a lot of water.


One last piece of advice: remember that proper hydration is crucial for optimal brain function. On the day of the exam, as well as throughout your revision, make sure to continue drinking lots of water.

