
Which reputable address should I choose to buy Marlboro Iqos cigarettes?

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For tobacco lovers, Ipos is considered a smart choice. Not only reducing harmful substances compared to traditional drugs, this product also gives users a comfortable feeling when using. When it comes to Heatsticks (specialized cigarettes for IQOS), Marlboro is the first name that comes to

For tobacco lovers, Ipos is considered a smart choice. Not only reducing harmful substances compared to traditional drugs, this product also gives users a comfortable feeling when using. When it comes to Heatsticks (specialized cigarettes for IQOS), Marlboro is the first name that comes to mind. Many people wonder where to buy Marlboro Iqos cigarettes? Please refer to the article below to get the answer.

Why use IQOS Heatsticks Marlboro?

Marlboro is a line of drugs specifically manufactured for the Iqos series. Its design and structure are optimized to match the cigarette heating mechanism of Iqos machines in general.

The special feature of this product line is that there are many different flavors besides the traditional taste such as: fruit flavor, mint flavor, coffee flavor, .. With these flavors you can be completely assured because it is still gives you a refreshing, pleasant feeling like when smoking a traditional cigarette.

In addition, the drug Marlboro Iqos also gives you a different feeling because it works on the principle of heating and releasing nicotine, not burning the material. So when using Iqos you can feel the full flavor of the drug without smelling the burning smoke.

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How long do Iqos cigarettes last?

Many people, when changing from traditional cigarettes to Iqos, wonder how long this one cigarette will last? The answer is:

An Iqos cigarette is designed to be equivalent to a traditional cigarette that will last for about 6 minutes, which is about 10-14 puffs. If you want to smoke again, you need to charge the pipe for 2 minutes and then move on to the next one.

For some people who are addicted to cigarettes, a day that can smoke 2-3 packs of cigarettes, such a period is quite short. But it is thanks to the mechanism of counting the number of smokes and the time between smoking that can help you quit the habit of continuous smoking. Moreover, some people can quit smoking completely after a period of using Iqos. This is the gift of health for yourself.  

Marlboro drug – specialized Iqos drug line

In addition to Heets, Marlboro is also a specialized product line for Iqos machines with many outstanding advantages such as: many flavors, very rich without smoke. Currently on the market there are some popular types of Marlboro you can refer to:

Marlboro Classic Regular

If you are passionate about traditional flavors and like heavy tobacco flavors then Marlboro Classic Regular is the perfect choice. This product has the highest nicotine concentration in the Marlboro line because it has the best tobacco taste.

Marlboro Menthol

If you need a more refreshing experience such as a cool mint flavor, then Marlboro Menthol is your number 1 choice. It tastes like mint but is stronger, when smoked you will feel cool in the throat and spicy. hot to the nose. This gives you a feeling of refreshment, satisfaction and coolness all day long.

In addition, Marlboro Iqos also has many other flavors such as:

  • Marlboro Regular: Popular flavor

  • Marlboro Balanced Balanced Regular: Balanced Dress

  • Marlboro Menthol: Mint

  • Marlboro Mint: Mild mint flavor

  • Marlboro Yellow Menthol: Citrus Mint 

  • Marlboro Purple Menthol: Berries Mint

  • Marlboro Tropical Menthol: Tropical fruit mint flavor

Unlike when smoking a traditional cigarette, you need to know how to smoke Iqos with the right taste, the right way, the right taste. When smoking, take a long, deep breath. Keep the gap between the puffs for 15-20 seconds so that the hot cigarette comes and gets the best flavor.

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Where to buy reputable Marlboro Iqos cigarettes?

With many advantages of Iqos cigarettes, more and more customers are looking for and choosing, but do not know where to buy Marlboro Iqos cigarettes? Among many units, you can safely choose VapePro.

Should choose to buy Iqos medicine at reputable addresses

TLX POD is proud to be a supplier of genuine Iqos drugs, trusted by many customers for many years. When choosing to buy VapePro Marlboro Iqos, customers can see the following advantages:

  • VapePro is committed to bringing you genuine products with clear origins, full invoices and vouchers

  • The products are rich and diverse, you can choose according to your preferences and taste

  • VapePro has a full payment, return and warranty policy for every product purchased at the store

  • Free delivery nationwide, fast delivery for customers in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

  • Support installment payment via credit cards: Visa, JCB, Mastercard,…

With the above sharing about Marlboro Iqos medicine, I hope to help you understand more about this product line. As soon as there is a need to buy Iqos drugs or need more advice on products, customers can immediately contact the hotline for specific advice:
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