
An abstract

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An abstract is a short report that is written by drawing information from several sources.

An abstract is a short report that is written by drawing information from several sources. In fact, the purpose of such a work is to summarize and systematize the data collected on the topic.

The traditional, conventional abstract is one of the paper writing websites most common works of schoolchildren and students, which is written in the course of mastering the curriculum. The word "abstract" itself is an Anglicism from the verb "refer", which in translation this word means "to report", that is, the abstract is a capacious report on a given topic.

Scientific work of this type is written either on their own volition, or on the instructions of the teacher. As a rule, it is simply handed in in due time, but it happens that the abstract is required to read at a seminar or conference. In most cases, a good abstract provides an opportunity to earn extra credit for the course.

The main difference between a classic essay and other types of research papers is that you need to analyze several significant sources on the topic in order to write it. Teachers will be sure to check whether the student has fulfilled this requirement. Also, in scoring, will take into account: the correctness of the structure of the document; the value of the content part; the objectivity of the conclusions presented; the relevance of the sources used.
