
The Mighty Queen of the Return of the Pearl

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The Mighty The Mighty Queen of the Return of the PearlThe Mighty Queen of the Return of the PearlQueen of the Return of the Pearl

But Qianlong only stretched out his hand to help Feng Qingyu. He took another look at the crape myrtle and said lightly, "Have you copied the scriptures?" The crape myrtle listened to the words of Feng Qingyu and Qianlong and was deeply hit. Her face was pale and she had nothing to answer for a moment. Jinsuo saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. He pulled the crape myrtle secretly. The crape myrtle came to her senses and looked at Qianlong with her face full of tears. She said sadly, "You are the emperor of 95, the real dragon. Don't you understand the most ordinary affection in the world?"? What about copying the scriptures? If my mother can't get recognition, she won't close her eyes even in the grave! There was a flash of sharpness in Gan Long's eyes. "Mammy Yung," he said coldly, "take her down!" Royal face is greater than everything, even the queen is paving the way for herself to give her an identity, she is a small illegitimate daughter, dare to question herself in front of her queen and concubine, who gave her the courage? Last night I visited the Palace of Earthly Tranquillity, but it was all because of her. I didn't haggle with her, and I was already magnanimous! Others do not know the details, the imperial concubine said, but is secretly frightened. But without waiting for her to think deeply, he heard Qianlong say, "What are you all staying here for?"? Don't tell me you're just here to pay your respects to the queen. If you were here to pay your respects, you'd have broken up long ago. Concubine Qing blushed, confident of her favor. "The maidservants have indeed come to pay their respects to the empress," she said. Qianlong looked at her with a half-smile. A cold light like a blade flashed through his eyes. He said lightly, "Don't think I don't know anything. If I want to know something, I can't hide anything from my eyes, such as the two talkative palace daughters behind the rockery." Don't think you can get past him. Concubine Qing was scared out of her wits. Holding a cold sweat in her palms,ultrasonic cutting machine, she threw all her pride into Java. She said in a low voice, "It must be the slaves in the palace of slaves who neglected their duties and made trouble. It was the slaves who failed to teach them. Please forgive the emperor." Now that Qianlong knew, she changed her mind and did not deny it, but she still put the blame on the maid herself. Qianlong said lightly, "Since they have neglected their duties, they should be sent to the Huanyi Bureau." In a word, the fate of the two talkative ladies of the court was decided. Concubine Qing had no choice but to say, "The maidservant obeys the decree." As long as you don't deal with yourself, it's just two slaves. The imperial concubine listened to one side,ultrasonic handheld welder, secretly pleased in the heart. Qianlong opened his mouth to the concubines and said, "In that case, let's disperse. Don't disturb the queen's rest here.". Things in the palace, I also shut my mouth, what should be said, what should not be said, weighing the consequences before opening my mouth. "I'm so magnanimous today that I won't pursue it." The concubines were all scared to death. It seemed that the emperor's people were all-pervasive. I'm afraid they will have to be more careful when they speak in the future. If they are not pursued today, it's mostly because they didn't pursue Yongqi. It's not good to scold them directly. Think of here, they no longer dare to compete with the queen, more dare not give birth to the idea of provocation, hurriedly salute to retire. Looking at the back of the crowd leaving, Feng Qingyu smiled unconsciously and said, "After all, it's still the emperor's power and prestige. A word won't disturb anyone. But I said something about a walnut car, and I didn't let them give birth to the meaning of quitting!" Qian Long took her hand, shook it hard, ultrasonic molten metal ,ultrasonic extraction cbd, and sighed, "You are wronged." With a little hesitation on his face, he said, "Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from the eyes. As for Yongqi.." Without waiting for him to finish, Feng Qingyu said with a smile, "What's wrong with Yongqi?"? Isn't he grounded right now? Since he was grounded, he was not free, and he must have never left the Jingyang Palace without authorization. Now that he is ill in bed, the emperor should be more concerned about one or two. Feng Qingyu consciously drove Yongqi out of yesterday's assassin, which was also the expectation of Qianlong. And she didn't ask where Falcon and Fortey were. Sure enough, Qianlong had a smile on his face. He nodded and said, "Yes, Yongqi is sick. He's so pitiful that he can't get up for a while. I'll send someone to guard the Jingyang Palace and ask him to rest.". When the Tibetan chieftain came to court, Yongzhang and Yong were in charge of greeting him. Yongzhang could also help him. Yongxuan and Yongzhao could also take charge of their own affairs. Without Yongqi, there would be no hindrance. ” Feng Qingyu said with a smile, "It's strange that Yongqi didn't come to pay his respects today. So he's ill." Turning to Mammy Yung, who had just sent the crape myrtle back, she said, "Take some of the best medicine and send it to the Jingyang Palace. That's what I mean. Tell the fifth elder brother to rest at ease. Before he recovers, he will be exempted from the rule of paying his respects at the Kunning Palace." Said Qianlong secretly nodded, look is very satisfied, the queen is really born with a seven orifices exquisite heart, not only round the royal face, but also reflects the motherly heart, but also their own bosom friend, know what should be pursued, what should not be pursued. As for Qing Fei, who had just been promoted, she was making waves. She was really bold. Well, she should be snubbed. Thinking of this, Qianlong said, "The Tibetan chieftain is coming soon. There is still a princess. Please ask someone to prepare a place for the princess." Feng Qingyu said with a smile, "Are you still waiting for the emperor's order?"? Shu Guifei was careful and had already asked me what I meant. I told her to prepare two courtyards in Xisansuo, one for the Tibetan princess and the other for the crescent moon. Qianlong smiled unconsciously and said, "Now that I have made some preparations, I can rest assured." With thousands of tender feelings in his eyes, he looked down at Feng Qingyu's belly and said, "Although you are still in charge of the affairs in the palace, I can rest assured, but now you can't bother. When you give birth to this child, the power in the palace is still up to you.". I feel that you give them power, but more and more to encourage their momentum, the heart is also bigger, I am not at ease. Before Yongjing was born, he always felt that the queen was too serious, so he didn't like her strong and old-fashioned personality, and often found fault with her. But when she gave power to the concubines in the harem, she was much more gentle. Qianlong felt that those concubines were not as capable as the queen. He still remembered that the queen had managed the harem in good order before, and he didn't have to worry about it like now. When Feng Qingyu heard this, he said with a smile, "I will obey the emperor's will." By next year,ultrasonic welding transducer, twenty-five years after the reign of Emperor Qianlong, everything will have been settled, and it will be time for him to take back the power of the harem.
