
Heart Tomb (full text plus extra)Heart Tomb (full text plus extra)

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Heart Tomb (full text plus extra)Heart Tomb (full text plus extra)

Last night, because of the kiss that could only be regarded as fitting, his heart was almost numb, and the shock and impact it brought to his heart could not be described in any words. When he came to his senses in amazement, her fleshy lips had already left his lips, but the warmth and touch had already been deeply imprinted, making him greedy for further development. Even though, at the same time, the repressed guilt and the condemnation of conscience made him lose sleep for a whole night. I urged her, she should be here soon! As soon as Rong Hua answered, he saw a small umbrella at the door. When he got up, he couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth slightly, and his eyebrows were clearly flying. However, when he saw clearly the handsome figure following closely behind her, he breathed, and the smile on his lips froze. Why do you always follow me? Fuck off Yu asked coldly to expel the figure that followed her closely. When she entered the consulting room, he followed her, so she was impatient and annoyed, and stood looking directly at him. The atmosphere is very tense. I just want to ask you, what on earth do you mean that you had an abortion for me just a few months ago? He Yi is also very anxious. If she said she had a baby for him,manganese beneficiation plant, he would think she meant Ruirui, but miscarriage? It's too contradictory. There must be something wrong, he must find out what is going on! I always feel that I have made a big mistake again. Yu asked as if she was too lazy to talk to him and didn't want to talk to him. I don't know you. Don't delay my dinner. Get out of here! She just wanted to get rid of him quickly, and for some reason, her heart rate had been abnormal since he appeared. The two of them are very eye-catching, especially He Yi, who is naturally dazzling. Even though his hair is messy now, his sideburns are a little longer than his ears,portable gold wash plant, and he's slightly curved, but what? But the angle is very tasty, chaotic and stylish. He is dressed in a dark gray men's dress, but at the foot of a pair of very dynamic sports shoes, extraordinary taste and creativity, match well. It's incredible and wonderful. It's so handsome that clothes can be worn like this. The millet that does not know so cannot help nymphomaniac, exclaim. Yeah, he's so handsome. He didn't do anything, he was born with a good appearance, and the cashier next to him was fascinated by him. In the past, he would shrug his shoulders and put on a more charming and dissolute look. But now, he has no mood to flirt with his little sisters. After Ruirui's death, he stopped drinking and smoking, and his footprints did not appear in any club except for the need to talk about business. He's not handsome. He's lazy, gold CIP machine ,Portable gold trommel, okay? She stared and couldn't listen any more. He is a person who is very good at living. He pays great attention to the details of life in terms of the things he uses and the way he dresses himself. If he wants to be frivolous and dissolute, he will definitely be fascinated by a group of ignorant young girls who are in love. Now this pair of spontaneous dress, is simply too busy, too lazy to take care of themselves! If she didn't comb her hair or go out in house slippers, she would be laughed at by these people in the clinic for being lazy and sloppy, and now the person in front of her is just lazy. Why are they treated so differently? Is it true that people who are handsome have to be popular, and even undisciplined and casual can be regarded as stylish? It's disgusting! But before these words could be spoken angrily, she had frightened herself. Why does she know him so well? I learned that two people seem to have lived for many years. Her appearance made He Yi laugh. "Mrs. He, others just praise me. Why are you so jealous?" The way Mrs. He looks now is very strange. When he first met her, she was only 16 years old, and her dress was so elegant and mature that he was very unappetizing, but now she has a ridiculous bangs and a lucky lower body. Moving shorts, a casual T-shirt with cartoon patterns on the upper body is casually put on the body, like this. It's weird, but it's cute. He has known Song Yuwen for more than ten years, and he never thought that one day he would use the word "lovely" on him. Am I jealous? Asked to squint, the bottom of the eyes in the roll up the storm. How dare he say another word? She immediately told him to eat shit. The two men were at daggers drawn, and the air was full of sparks. The millet on one side and cashier are frightened, hurriedly mumble a statement, "ask, we just play a joke-" She's not jealous! She was about to shout when she was wronged. It's time for lunch. A gentle voice interrupted them. Yu asked hurriedly turned around and saw that Zhao Shicheng had a pale face and was placing chopsticks with Rong Hua. She stopped roaring and, like a cat, sat down in her seat and took the assigned rice from Zhao Shicheng. He Yi stared in the back. Eight people, eight dishes and one soup, Mrs. He is sitting in the middle, everyone is like a hungry wolf, quickly chopsticks to chopsticks, she did not show a look of disgust, even in the good efforts to fight. Food. Is this really Mrs. He, who has always been known for her elegance? It was an eye-opener for him, so that he was completely stunned. Handsome boy, have you eaten? The oldest woman in the clinic, who manages the pharmacy of traditional Chinese medicine, while quickly picking up food, looked at the group of people with an incredible expression of He Yidiao. Play. I haven't eaten anything since last night. He Yi withdrew his eyes, pressed down the surprise in his heart, and showed a handsome and charming smile. Yesterday, when I got off work, I heard that I had found Song Yuwen. When he drove to Chashan in a hurry, the building was empty. Then, when he drove to Alei's house quickly, it was already past dinner time. He did not dare to frighten the snake, and it was not easy for him to stay up until this morning. He inquired all the way, and naturally he did not even attend to breakfast. Now Goo Goo "His stomach and intestines are very cooperative and make an embarrassed cry." Are you a friend of Yu Wen? Come on, let's eat! Handsome people are popular because of this, and Xiaomi is very enthusiastic. He did not immediately agree,gold heap leaching, but smiled and stared at the back of the question. Who knows, she ignored him and continued to work hard to grab food. The atmosphere is a little awkward. "Goo," his stomach protested again.
