
How To Tell Your Angels Are Nearby? 5 Signs We Shouldn't Ignore

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How do you know that your guardian angels are present? And what are their most common signs?

A guardian angel is your source of guidance when you feel lost. In addition to being your protector, an angel also provides insight into your personality and helps you achieve personal growth. If you’re willing to accept that help, you can get in touch with your guardian angels. Read on to learn more about a guardian angel and how to find yours. You might even say the sign from above will help you get through life with less struggle and more fulfillment.

You don’t have to be religious or believe in God or other spiritual beings to have an angelic presence in your life. Whether you think you have an angel or not, learning more about them can reveal new and helpful insights about yourself. Here are some tips on what an angel number means and how getting in touch with your guardian can help lead a happier, more fulfilled life.

How to know your guardian angel is present?

Anyone can get in touch with their guardian angel, but the first step is recognizing that they’re there. A few signs can let you know when your guardian angel is with you. First, look for coincidences in your life. Coincidences are signs that suggest that your thoughts and actions are aligned with your purpose. You might notice that certain numbers pop up over and over again. It could be phone numbers, addresses, license plates, or something else. You might see these numbers in normal places or in dreams. You might also see numbers as omens, such as an unbroken string of lucky coins or sudden wins in games of chance.

White feathers

You might wake up with an unusual feather or notice a feather in your daily life. This can signify that your guardian angel is trying to get in touch with you. Often, people will find a white feather as a sign of hope and inspiration. It can be a message from your angel that you should feel optimistic in your current situation and that help is near. If you notice a feather in your life, you can also try asking your angel for help. To do this, simply pick up the feather, hold it in your hand with your palm up and ask your angel for assistance. If a feather appears in your dreams, it is a sign that you need to look for help. This can mean various things, but it suggests that you need assistance in your daily life.

Repeating number sequences

If you keep seeing the same numbers repeatedly, for instance, 1111 or 777, this could signify that your guardian angel is trying to get your attention. Remember that angels are pure light energy, which means they don’t have a voice. So they may use numbers in your daily life to get your attention.

When they do this, they are directing your thoughts and feelings in a positive direction. They may be trying to help you find your life path or overcome a difficult situation. If you keep seeing the same numbers, which don't have to be 1111 or 777, but also less common numbers, such as 3838 angel number, you can ask your angel for help. Simply focus on the numbers and say out loud that you’re ready for help.

Familiar scents and fragrances

Guardian angels are made of pure light energy, meaning they emit a fragrance uniquely yours. If you notice a scent you don’t recognize in your life, it could be your angel trying to get your attention. If you notice a familiar fragrance, it is a sign from your angel that they are with you. This can mean that your guardian angel is trying to guide you to a decision or help you overcome a mental or emotional block. If you notice a scent in your life, try asking your angel what they want you to know. You can also try meditating on the scent to see the message. You may also notice a fragrance in your dreams. This can signify that you need to look inward and trust your gut feelings.

Seeing the word angel

This is a sign that your angel is trying to get your attention. If you keep seeing the word, try asking your guardian what they want you to know. You can also meditate on how the word is used in your life. If you keep seeing the word in your daily life, it can signify that your guardian angel is trying to help you overcome a situation. It can also signify that you’re on the right path to fulfilling your life purpose.

Angels love and protect you

Pay attention if you keep seeing the same numbers and scents and having the same dreams. These are signs that your guardian angel is trying to communicate with you. Once you’ve established a connection with your guardian angel, you’ll start noticing these signs more often.

