
Do you have cracks on your hands and feet? Here's how to deal with them

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Do you have cracks on your hands and feet? Here's how to deal with them

Sometimes cracked skin is caused by poor skin conditions or contact with an irritant. To prevent cracking, avoid hot water and strong chemicals and moisturize your skin immediately after washing. Sometimes broke skin results from a medical condition requiring special treatment.

According to the American Association of Dermatologists (AAD), cracked skin usually occurs when the skin is dry or irritated. Dry and cracked skin can itch and even bleed. Some people may experience discomfort when applying any product to cracked skin. Their skin may also be more sensitive to water temperature and household cleaners. Cracked skin can appear on any body part, but it is especially noticeable on exposed areas such as the hands.

Because alcohol-based hand sanitizers can also cause drying, dermatologists recommend using a moisturizer afterward. People with acne and psoriasis should also use a moisturizer to prevent recurrence and protect the skin.

However, they may require additional treatments, such as:

Use of corticosteroid creams

Use of medications for the specific disease

Ultraviolet therapy.

If you have a skin infection, your doctor may prescribe an ointment or antibiotic in a pill. Some people with foot problems may need to change their shoes or use talcum powder to prevent sweating. They may also need to use antifungal products to treat ringworm. An article in the International Journal of Nursing Research suggests that lack of blood flow in the feet may contribute to cracked skin in people with diabetes. It may help to control blood flow to the legs by wearing compression stockings. You should avoid washing your hands with hot water to prevent cracked skin from breaking down. Hot baths and showers can worsen dry or cracked skin.

Dermatologists recommend:

Use lukewarm rather than hot water.

Limit the time in the shower to a maximum of 10 minutes

wash with a small amount of mild, odorless cleanser

Press dry, do not rub the skin

Apply moisturizer or skin fissure oil immediately after wetting

Doctors also recommend wearing gloves to protect your hands when you go outside in the winter, get your hands wet, or use harsh chemicals, degreasers, and other substances. Some dermatologists recommend using a humidifier at home if the air is dry. According to the AAD, moisturizers can also help treat dry lips.

Some fabrics can irritate dry skin. Wear smooth, breathable materials such as cotton or silk, and avoid textured materials such as wool. Using hypoallergenic laundry detergents and fabric conditioners can also help reduce irritation.
