
ankle weights womens are harmful

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The world is extremely mysterious. Every day we see many things that we take for granted without knowing how and why this happens. From billions of years people saw apple falling on the ground, yet they never thought why apple falls to the ground and does not go up

Newton for the first time thought, that there must be some force that must be pulling apple down to earth. This thought resulted to the discovery of gravity, the universal force of attraction that existed between all material entities of the universe since its origin. Gradually, scientists also discovered the electrical and magnetic forces between electrical charges and magnetic substances. Yet scientists could never find any satisfactory answer as to why different types of materials attract or repulse?

What is true in the world of particle is also true in the world of living beings. Every ankle weights womens of the world gets attracted towards the member of opposite sex. Yet hardly any answers as to why it happens. We all as human beings are aware of the force of attraction that pulls us towards each other, yet we can not know why it happens.

While scientists have no reason to explain why material attracts, yet they have discovered some reason for the attraction between male and female species using the theory of evolution. They believe that the attraction between male and female species in this world is due to their desire to mate so that they reproduce children. These theories are based on the Darwin's evolution principle as no spies would survive otherwise than reproduction. Yet the answer is incomplete as even after the people have produced the children, the forces of attraction des not diminish.
