
Sample research paper diagram close by ways to make your own

टिप्पणियाँ · 954 विचारों

No good piece of work is complete without a final review, so, be sure to leave time for it. At least 10-15 % of your overall time should be dedicated to corrections and adjustments. Look at it this way, you put so much effort in research and planning, do you really want to lose the reader

There are few things in life more stressful than writing an essay with a short deadline. Whether it’s an academic necessity or a work requirement, constructing a quality essay in a short time frame is a much-needed skill. There is many essay writer are available on the internet.

Rather than skipping steps and getting anything that pops into your mind on paper, the key is to effectively allocate time to each portion of the writing process.

 Don’t know how to do that? Well, that’s what I’m here to help you with today. Here are 5 tips to ace any timed essay.



1-      Understand what is required.

As obvious as it sounds, you’ll be surprised by just how often people make this mistake. Many writers often succumb to the pressure of a short deadline and don’t even read the essay requirements thoroughly. The end result is a disjointed mess that needs copious revisions.

So, no matter how little time you have, be sure to read the essay question carefully to make sure you know exactly what it is that you should write about. To make this easier, make sure you understand:

  •         The main topic at hand
  •         The target audience
  •         The questions that need to be answered.
  •         The nature of the essay (research, argumentative etc..)

This is arguably the most important part of the essay writing process and one that will save you valuable time if done correctly. If there is any ambiguity regarding the instructions, it is at this stage where it can be looked into as people often don’t like to hear excuses 5 minutes before the deadline - particularly clients of a professional essay writing service!



2-      Research accurately

To do this, you must first narrow down your topic. If you followed the 1st tip I mentioned, it shouldn’t be too hard to do. Once you’ve done that, make sure to be accurate in your search. Do not lose track of the subject.

One of the biggest mistakes writers can make is going down rabbit holes of irrelevant content. To ensure this doesn’t happen to you, take note of the following points:

  •         Identify and use keywords
  •         Check bibliographies for relevant research
  •         Focus on journals and research papers over blogs, op-eds and news reports.

Research is the stage where the most time cuts have to be made. Even the most talented essay writer can’t examine the full scope of a topic within a short deadline. This is why it’s crucial for you to utilize this time as efficiently as possible.



3-      Create an outline

Once you’ve done your preliminary research, you may have a solid understanding of the task at hand and are now equipped with all the necessary info to plan an outline.

The outline is often seen as an unnecessary step, I mean, why not just get straight to writing? The truth is, if you start writing without a structure to follow, you may end up hitting numerous writing blocks and end up frustrated.


This can be easily avoided by developing a clear outline of the number of points you wish to discuss and the paragraphs that will be required.

Define a set number of body paragraphs for your essay with each one focusing on a particular sub-topic. Write a single line topic sentence for each of these paragraphs, to make it easier to fill in the rest of the paragraph as you write.



4-      Define a solid introduction and conclusion

Let’s be honest, your first and last impression has the biggest impact on how you’re evaluated. For this reason, it is paramount that you do not compromise on your introduction and conclusion paragraphs. 


Introductions can be tricky but when you break it down, they’re actually fairly easy to write. All you need is a hook to captivate readers, a brief discussion to provide background to your topic, and a thesis statement which informs readers of the contents of the essay’s body paragraphs.


Likewise, a conclusion summarizes your discussion in a simple and concise manner. It is your last chance to engage readers and solidify your objectives. Make sure you do not introduce anything new here; that would be counterproductive.


Conclusions always tend to be rushed under time constraints but as we mentioned, it’s your final impression. Your reader may not even remember much of your essay so your conclusion can make or break your grade.



5-      Review and edit.

When most of us finish with our timed essay, the last thing we want to do is read the whole thing for mistakes. As tempting as this may be, do not be that person!



Editing is actually where I’m most generous with my time whenever I write my essay - only if I’ve saved enough time with the actual content, that is.

Keeping all this in mind, meeting deadlines should be a piece of cake. Every essay is different as is the time given to complete them. However, the 5 tips I’ve provided can be applied to all kinds of writing. Oh, and always remember one other thing; practice makes perfect! The best way to be good at something is to do it multiple times. This way, it will come to you naturally.

So good luck with your essay, I’m sure you’ll do great!












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