
What is the working principle of activated carbon filter

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What is the working principle of activated carbon filter

An activated carbon filter is a tightly packed and “activated” charcoal. It can be in a powdered or granular block form.


There are various sources of charcoal, besides wood. For air purifier carbon filters, coconut husk, willow peat, coir, and bamboo are frequently used.


Indoor air is full of invisible gaseous air pollutants. activated charcoal powder wholesale These include kitchen smells, different odors, volatile organic chemicals, and so on. All of them are comprised of billions upon billions of gas molecules.


When these gas molecules hit the receptors in our noses, our brain will register that as ‘smell’. In most cases with air pollutants, it’s an unpleasant smell.


To remove odors, we only need to make sure these gas molecules don’t hit the receptors in our noses. They have to hit or be adsorbed to, something else.


Activated carbon filters present an extremely large surface area where undesirable odors can be adhered to.


An air purifier for odor is basically a fan that collects the air (with undesirable odor gas molecules in it) and brings it to the yrdcarbon activated charcoal filter. There the odor molecules are adsorbed and eliminated from the indoor air circulation.
