
How to Kill Pests Without Killing Yourself or the Earth

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On the planet, there are approximately 50 to 60 million insect species. Only about 1 million pest species have been named, and there are only about 1000 pest species. Over half of these tens of thousands of pests have already developed resistance to our volatile, dangerous synthetic pestic

On the planet, there are approximately 50 to 60 million insect species. Only about 1 million pest species have been named, and there are only about 1000 pest species. Over half of these tens of thousands of pests have already developed resistance to our volatile, dangerous synthetic pesticide POISONS.

Every year, we lose between 25,000 and 100,000 species of insects, plants, and animals due to "man's footprint." However, after poisoning the entire world and contaminating every living thing for over 60 years with these dangerous and ineffective pesticide POISONS, we have yet to control, let alone eliminate, even one pest species, and each year we use/misuse more pesticide POISONS to "keep up"! Despite all of this costly pollution, we are losing an increasing number of crops.

We're losing the battle against these tens of thousands of pests because we insist on only using synthetic pesticides and fertilisers. Since the introduction of synthetic pesticides and fertilisers, there has been a severe "knowledge drought" - a worldwide decline in agricultural RD, particularly in production research and safer, more effective pest control.

Today, we're like lemmings rushing to the sea, insisting that this is the "correct path." The greatest challenge humanity faces this century is doubling global food production with less land, water, nutrients, and science, as well as frequent droughts, increasing contamination, and increasing pest damage.

The goal of National Poison Prevention Week, which runs from March 18 to 24, 2007, is to raise awareness about the dangers of poisoning and how to avoid it. In 2004, approximately 70,000 children in the United States were involved in common household pesticide-related (acute) poisonings or exposures, according to one study.

Century Pest Lockhart is one of the best services for rodent control in lockhart. Along with being a popular choice for pest control in San Antonio since 1973, Century Pest Control is a specialist in damage repair and expert installers of bird and bat control products.
