
What are the living expenses for students in Armenia?

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For students pursuing an MBBS in Armenia, understanding the associated living expenses is crucial to planning a successful and financially viable academic journey. Known for its rich cultural heritage and hospitable environment, Armenia also offers a cost-effective lifestyle, making it an attractive destination for international students. This guide explores the living expenses you can expect while studying MBBS in Armenia and how it complements the educational experience.

Cost effective living for MBBS students

Armenia's appeal to international students, especially those looking to study MBBS from India, lies not only in its educational offerings but also in its affordability. The cost of living in Armenia is significantly lower than in many Western countries, including housing, food, transportation and entertainment.

Accommodation: A major component of living expenses

Accommodation is the most important part of a student's monthly expenses. Students can choose from university hostels, private hostels or apartments. The cost varies based on the type of accommodation and its location. On average, students can spend anywhere from $100 to $300 per month on accommodation. University dormitories are usually the cheapest option, while renting an apartment can be upscale, but offers more privacy and comfort.

Nutrition and Diet: Eating on a Budget

Food costs vary widely depending on individual eating habits and preferences. Local markets offer fresh produce at low prices, encouraging healthy eating without the high price tag. Students can expect to spend about $50 to $100 per month on groceries. Dining in Armenia is affordable, with meals in cheap restaurants costing between $4 and $7.

Transportation: Convenient and economical

Transportation in Armenia is efficient and economical. Public transport is widely available, with buses and minibuses covering extensive routes across towns and cities. A typical one-way ticket costs around $0.20, making it an affordable option for daily commutes. Students can also consider purchasing a monthly pass, usually priced around $15, which provides unlimited travel and is cost-effective for regular commuters.

Health: Ensuring well-being during your studies

Medical expenses are another consideration for students. While MBBS in Armenia has some level of health insurance, students should be prepared for additional costs associated with health services and medications. However, healthcare services in Armenia are reasonably priced compared to Western standards.

Retirement and miscellaneous expenses

Students need to budget for other and leisure activities to enjoy a balanced life while studying in Armenia. This includes books, entertainment, expenses for gym memberships and occasional travel. Depending on lifestyle choices, students can spend anywhere from $30 to $50 per month.

Total monthly budget

Considering all aspects of life, a typical MBBS student in Armenia can expect to live comfortably on a budget of $300 to $500 per month. This budget includes accommodation, food, transport and other expenses, studying MBBS in Armenia is not only academically but also economically profitable.


The affordable cost of living in Armenia combined with the relatively low cost of Study MBBS in Armenia make it an attractive option for students from all over the world. By choosing Armenia for their medical studies, students benefit from a supportive academic environment and cost-effective lifestyle, allowing them to fully focus on their studies and future career without undue financial pressures.
