
Candle Magic – How to Use Candles in Manifestation

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The sight of a burning candle with the flame dancing gracefully is powerful enough to send you into a trance. Does candle gazing awaken something deep within you? If so, you’re in for some candle magic. The glow of fire can be so comforting to the extent that it can teach you how to focu

Candle Magic

The sight of a burning candle with the flame dancing gracefully is powerful enough to send you into a trance. Does candle gazing awaken something deep within you? If so, you’re in for some candle magic. The glow of fire can be so comforting to the extent that it can teach you how to focus your intent and manifest your desires. Fire is a source of magic in all cultures worldwide.

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The Power of Candle Magic

Done with intent, candle magic is effectual and enough for you to attract abundance, good health, inner peace, love, and prosperity. With a burning candle, you can focus your desire(s) and allow the release of your energy into the Universe to manifest your dreams. For the magic to work in your favor, it’s critical to have a personal sense of clarity about your intention. Otherwise, the candle cannot help you or you may end up getting what you wanted in a way that isn’t helpful. Remember, the fire is just a medium to help you adequately direct your wishes to the Universe. An important rule to always keep in mind when doing any kind of earth magic is not to seek harm towards another person. The consequence is that you’ll get back what you put out. Positive intentions only, folks!

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How to Practice Candle Magic

The first step is to choose a candle that correlates with what you’re asking for. The wide array of colors each have specific meanings. Ideally, virgin candles work best when they haven’t already been used for other purposes. You can amplify the magic with other elements such as dried flowers and herbs, crystals, and essential oils. Place the candle in a clean and undisturbed area. Meditate for a few minutes to clear your mind, relax, and focus on the candle and your intention for it. If you purchase candles that are Reiki charged or made with hoodoo magic, make sure you follow their specific instructions. Make it an enjoyable process as well by creating your own ritual. As long as you’re following the basic steps, the rest is up to you for where, when, and how. After you’ve lit the candle, prayed, or performed your special process, take a few minutes to visualize your manifestation coming true, how you will react or feel when you get the results you wanted, etc.

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Candle Color Meanings & Uses

  • Orange: stamina, success, prosperity, youthfulness, sudden changes, independence
  • Yellow: confidence, optimism, charm, communication, good luck, concentration
  • Green: harmony, balance, money, growth, healing, new beginnings
  • Blue: meditation, loyalty, spiritual protection, overcoming addiction, inner peace, trauma
  • Purple: enhance psychic ability, astral travel, wisdom, ambition, insomnia, bad karma
  • Red: energy, courage, fertility, passion and lust, negativity & pessimism, strength
  • White: cleansing, purifying, truth, blessings, unity, relieves tension
  • Black: protection, reverse hexes/curses, absorbs negative energy, reveals secrets, loss & grief support, illness
  • Brown: balance, stability and grounding, travel, rebirth/renewal, financial success, enhance telepathic abilities
  • Pink: romance, friendship, spiritual healing, self-love, faith, forgiveness
  • Gray: imagination, visions, wisdom, psychic protection, patience, obstacles
  • Gold: abundance, happiness, awareness and knowledge, influence, divination, power
  • Silver: astral realm, ambition, fame, purity, communication with ancestors, creativity

Enhancing the Magic

Keep your practice intimate and personal to help the magic flow in your direction only. Along with your intention, when you light the candle, pour spiritual energy into it as well as your gratitude for the blessings you are about to receive.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use any candle for candle magic?
A: It's best to use virgin candles that haven't been used for other purposes. However, you can still use candles that have been previously used, just make sure to cleanse and consecrate them before use.

Q: Can I use other elements along with the candle in candle magic?
A: Yes, you can amplify the magic by incorporating other elements such as dried flowers and herbs, crystals, and essential oils.

Q: How long should I meditate before performing candle magic?
A: Take a few minutes to clear your mind, relax, and focus on the candle and your intention. The duration of the meditation is up to you, but even a few minutes can be effective.

Q: Can I perform candle magic at any time and place?
A: Yes, as long as you have a clean and undisturbed area, you can perform candle magic whenever and wherever feels right to you.

Q: What should I visualize during candle magic?
A: Visualize your desired manifestation coming true, how you will react or feel when you get the results you wanted, and anything else related to your intention.

Q: Can I perform candle magic to harm someone?
A: No, it is important to always practice positive intentions and not seek harm towards another person. Remember, what you put out into the Universe comes back to you.

Q: How can I enhance the magic in candle magic?
A: Keep your practice intimate and personal. Pour spiritual energy and gratitude into the candle along with your intention.
