
What Features Are Important in a CPR Manikin?

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What Features Are Important in a CPR Manikin?

The choice of features in a CPR manikin depends on your specific training needs and budget. Here's a breakdown of the key features to consider:

Realism Level

Basic Trainers: These focus on providing a realistic surface for practicing hand placement and compression depth. They are ideal for basic CPR skill development or refresher courses.

Advanced Trainers: These offer a more realistic CPR experience with features like:

Palpable pulses: Allow trainees to practice locating and feeling for a pulse.

Compression feedback: Provides audible or visual cues to indicate proper compression depth.

Clicker mechanisms: Simulate the "click" felt during proper chest compressions.

Anatomical landmarks: Include realistic nipples, ribs, and a sternum for accurate hand placement.

Liftable chests: Allow practicing rescue breaths with proper head tilt and chin lift techniques.

Interchangeable airways: Enable practicing CPR on adult, child, and infant manikins with a single base unit (additional airway kits might be needed).

Feedback Mechanisms

Compression Depth and Rate Monitors: Provide real-time feedback on the depth and rate of chest compressions, helping trainees achieve proper technique.

Audio and Visual Cues: Guide trainees with sounds or lights indicating correct compression depth and rate.


Manikin Type

Adult Manikins: Most common type, used for training CPR on adults.

Child Manikins: Smaller in size and with features appropriate for practicing CPR on children.

Infant Manikins: Smallest size, designed for CPR training on infants. Some advanced models may have a "soft spot" simulating the fragile fontanelle on an infant's head.


Material: Look for manikins made from durable, easy-to-clean materials that can withstand repeated use.

Construction: A well-constructed manikin should have strong seams and avoid parts that feel flimsy or easily breakable.


You also need to know more about CPR Manikins such as how to clean CPR manikins.
