
Shedding Light on the Benefits of Professional Ceramic Coating

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This article will shed some light on what ceramic coatings are all about and why getting them professionally applied is the best way to unlock their full potential.

Ceramic coating has become an increasingly popular way to protect and enhance your vehicle's exterior. But what exactly is ceramic coating, and what benefits does professional ceramic coating provide compared to other automotive paint protection options? This article will shed some light on what ceramic coatings are all about and why getting them professionally applied is the best way to unlock their full potential.
What is Ceramic Coating?
Ceramic coating consists of a liquid polymer solution that is applied to your car’s exterior surfaces like paint, glass, trim, wheels and more. The coating then chemically bonds to the surface, transforming into a glass-like layer. Ceramic coatings contain silicon dioxide (also known as silica), which are known for their ultra-hardness and protective abilities. Once cured, the coating forms a durable, hydrophobic barrier that protects the car underneath.
Ceramic coatings are highly resistant to damage from the environment, UV rays, scratches, contamination from bird droppings or tree sap, and more. They also make washing and cleaning the car much easier by causing water to bead and roll off the slick protective surface, carrying dirt away with it. This helps keep the car cleaner for longer.
Going with a Professional Ceramic Coating
While DIY ceramic coating kits are available, to get the most durable results it’s wise to have ceramic coating Singapore professionally applied by expert detailers. They utilize specialized techniques, tools and optimal preparation to maximize coating performance. This includes thoroughly decontaminating the paint using clay bars to remove bonded contaminants and ensure the smoothest possible surface for maximum bonding.
Professionals also know the precise application techniques to properly layer the ceramic coating solution. This, along with their attention to detail results in increased longevity and protection compared to DIY ceramic coatings. A professionally applied ceramic coating can last for several years when properly maintained.
Key Benefits of Professional Ceramic Coatings
There are many excellent benefits that professional ceramic coatings provide including:
  • Longer protection from scratches, swirling, etching, sun damage and more
  • Hydrophobic water beading causes water to sheet off fast, taking dirt with it
  • Prevents contaminants like sap, bugs, droppings etc from sticking
  • Saves time when washing by reducing dirt build up
  • Protects from environmental damage like bird droppings, acid rain, road salt
  • Keeps car looking like-new with extreme gloss and depth
  • Can be used on paint, glass, trim, wheels, chrome, plastic and more
  • Makes future detailing easier by preventing bonded contaminants
  • Helps resist swirling from automated car washes
  • Outstanding UV protection to prevent fading
By providing long-term protection for your vehicle’s exterior surfaces, professional ceramic coatings are absolutely worth the investment. Don’t hesitate to explore ceramic coating options for your car to keep that showroom shine for years to come.
Professional ceramic coatings offer outstanding longevity, contamination prevention, gloss enhancement and ease of cleaning - making them a smart choice for protecting your vehicle's exterior surfaces. Consult with a professional detailer today to learn about ceramic coating options for your car or truck.