
I'm in agreement. But that is something that's wrong

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His track record is terrible. A majority of the fights did WOW TBC Gold not go his way or were won fairly. Thrall is said to have stood his ground during the duel they had in WotLK when they were fighting in the Mag'gora fight with Cairne he was armed with a poisoned axe and Varian hit his a**.

Really, Taran Zhu was the only notable opponent he beat in a fair fight and that fight was very close.

He won his final battle against Thrall. He lost his fight with Varian and also in a duel against Cairne. The first fight was lost, and the second battle that he won unfairly.

They battled three times but each time they were stopped. The third time they fought in Wolfheart, Varian only gains an advantage because Lo'Gash blessed him and has unbeatable endurance. When they fight in the tides of War, they are more evenly matched.

He started his career as an Mary Sue between being a more skilled warrior than Orgrim Doomhammer while also an accomplished shamanist in the arts , and even attracting attracted to females of other species.

Garrosh did not take part in the Cataclysms conflicts. He led the invasion of Twilight Highlands and beat a dragon to death while he did it. When speculations began to rise during MoP I was sure that Garrosh was a fake that was created by the Twilight Hammer, and he disappeared.

I have always been annoyed the fact that they haven't realized that Thrall was physically gifted from the beginning. In the end, I love his shamanly snarky nature. His attitude hasn't looked like a warrior since WotLK.

I'm in agreement. But that is something that's wrong with Garrosh as a char. He's said to be an outstanding warrior, but in novels such as The shattering, the only reason is that his dad was one of them as well. It didn't happen. If it weren't for cheating, he might be beaten by Cairne. But let's be honest, Thrall could have taken out Cairne at that time. Garrosh is a formidable warrior. But, based on your argument, how much better could be he? Not as great as green jesus

The way Thrall was raised and trained. As we come to the present, Thrall hasn't seen actual real combat for a long time probably a decade or more. Following his leadership of the rebellion against prison camps, the Thralls formed the modern Horde and then slipped into a leadership position and then a more spiritual role. There's no doubt that he has significant muscle memory, and maybe he even got regular sparring sessions often went on an excursion with the computer however, you aren't able to stay away from any activity and you'll get buy Burning Crusade Classic Gold sucked into it. It's true that he's skilled however perhaps not as effective as a more skilled or equally skilled warrior.
