
The benefits and side effects of arg

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Arg is one of many amino acids the body needs to function properly. Like other amino acids, what is arg plays a role in building protein. The body uses protein to help build muscle and rebuild tissue. It converts this amino acid into the chemical nitric oxide, which helps the blood vessels

Taking arg as a supplement can benefit the heart and muscles, but it may cause side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and bloating. Arg is one of many amino acids the body needs to function properly. Like other amino acids, what is arg plays a role in building protein. The body uses protein to help build muscle and rebuild tissue. It converts this amino acid into the chemical nitric oxide, which helps the blood vessels open.
Researchers have investigated the effectiveness of what is arg in treating high blood pressure and chest pain as well as in improving breathing in patients with COVID-19 requiring hospitalization. Keep reading to learn more about the potential therapeutic benefits of arg and the research behind them.

What is arg?
Arg is an amino acid that helps the body build protein. It also releases nitric oxide into the blood. Nitric oxide acts to widen blood vessels in the bloodstream, which may help certain circulatory conditions, according to a 2016 reviewTrusted Source. The substance also stimulates the release of insulin into the body.
A person’s body naturally produces arg under typical circumstances. People also get additional arg as part of their regular diet. Food sources, such as red meat, fish, dairy, and eggs, contain low amounts of arg that can help the body replenish its necessary resources. Plant-based sources can include pumpkin seeds, soybeans, lentils, and chickpeas.

Occasionally, a person’s need for arg may exceed their body’s ability to produce or consume it naturally. This is often true for older adults or people with certain medical conditions. In these cases, doctors may prescribe them artificial arg in the form of oral medications, injections, or creams. Several potential health conditions may benefit from an increased intake of arg.
Some people take arg as a supplement. However, as with any supplement, a person should use it with caution. Although healthcare professionals consider arg safe in moderate doses, too much can causeTrusted Source severe side effects, including death. It is also important to understand how the supplement may interact with the body and additional medications before taking it.
