
Free and Paid Mobile App Analytics Tools for 2023

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Mobile improve app performance tools can help you find insights about your users’ behavior such as where they click on a screen, which features they like, why they churn, and other key insights.

Mobile improve app performance tools can help you find insights about your users’ behavior such as where they click on a screen, which features they like, why they churn, and other key insights. However, in our experience, marketing, product, and UX teams often overlook 2 potential issues when choosing an analytics tool for their mobile app:
Recording users is taxing on their devices and can hurt the user experience. Most improve app performance tools that offer session recordings can only record the screen as the users see it by taking snapshots of the UI at regular intervals. Recording sessions this way and uploading them to the tools’ servers can be really demanding for older devices, leading to fast battery drainage, high CPU usage, additional network traffic, and potential app crashes.

Session recording tools can capture sensitive information like emails, phone numbers, passwords, and credit card details. This can lead to compliance issues, sensitive data leaks, and other legal and reputational problems. In this article, you’ll learn how our tool, Smartlook, lets you analyze user behavior on your mobile app or game without affecting the users’ experience or compromising their data security.
You can start using Smartlook on your mobile app or game today by signing up for a free account (no credit card required). Once our SDK is set up, Smartlook automatically starts capturing session recordings and user events, so you can analyze your app’s users and find ways to improve their experience.

Apple’s improve app performance is a built-in and free mobile analytics tool for app developers and startups in Apple’s ecosystem. The tool has some good features for tracking app store performance, app downloads, marketing campaigns, and basic app engagement and usage data (e.g., for active users and paid subscribers). However, it lacks more advanced features for analyzing what users do in your app, like events and funnels.
AppsFlyer is a mobile improve app performance and attribution platform. The platform’s main focus is on evaluating app marketing campaigns and their key metrics, measuring attribution, and preventing mobile app fraud. While they have a free plan, their paid options are limited (only two plans) with pricing based on conversions, instead of recorded user sessions or the number of dashboards and reports, like most analytics tools.
Countly is a product analytics platform available for mobile, web, and desktop apps. It has in-improve app performance, push notifications, and crash analytics features. The platform is open-source, so you can use it for free, provided you host and manage it on your own server. They can also host the platform for you on-premise or in the cloud, but the pricing for that plan is not publicly available.
