
You must take the shards to a specific part of the area

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It was known that the player-versus player mode would be D2R Items back for the first time in Diablo 4. but there weren't many details when it first came out in the year 2019. We now have a better understanding of how it works and it takes a more flexible approach. There are distinct areas within Sanctuary's open world known as the Fields of Hatred where PvP gets enabled and players can be a threat to each other. It is possible to fight AI-controlled foes in these areas in order to gather shards of hatred, but you'll need to cleanse them to allow exchange of them for unique equipment.

To cleanse shards of hate You must take the shards to a specific part of the area and fight through waves of enemies for a particular period of time. However, other players around the area will be alerted to your presence and will be able to pull in to fight you and grab the shards.

It's a bit like similar to Dark Zone in The Division. In a nod to Diablo 2's PvPbattles, defeating actual players will reward you with their ears. For now, it's just set to become an item to collect for fights you win, but could be a source of currency later down the line.

Game director Luis Barriga explained further that the design of the multiplayer encourages players to be aggressive, but playing too aggressively can put you in the position of Diablo 2 Resurrected buy items being a target on your back for other players across the world to view, motivating others to go out and meet the target to take their money.
