
I rather see this narrative as the narrative of the last great pirate era

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I rather see this narrative as the narrative of the last great pirate era

I rather see this narrative as the Animal Crossing Bells narrative of the last great pirate era. Kinda how Naruto was put in the last great ninja era. When they do eventually end One bit and begin a continuation collection, after the majority of queries are answered, I would imagine its set in the time of piracy coming to a conclusion. All very much like the way Boruto is set in a world where ninjas are becoming scarce.

Instead I truly hope they take the existing characters and make a series of"what happened elsewhere in the world" during the main story, and only use that as an chance to flesh out the rest of the planet.

The longer the story goes the longer I get the sense that something possibly sketchy is upward with Shanks. The Gorosei thing is a huge question mark of course. A former Roger pirate who may or may not understand the truth of the planet becoming an emperor but refusing to pursue the crown or even the poneglyphs. He appears to want peace and freedom and only became an emperor to be able to cool, only throwing his weight around to stop pointless slaughter of innocents, but as we know more about the emperors and also the authorities the more his place in this world begins to feel completely suspicious.

Sketchy maybe, but I severely doubt Shanks is wicked. Personalky I think Roger and Shanks are both chaotic good, more about the chaotic with Shanks approaching neutral chaotic. If it ties into the Will of D, I could imagine why.

I still am not sure about the latest Shanks panel, in the Gorosei. My only guess is that Shanks includes a lot of respect as he doesn't actively cause destruction and death like the other Yonko; perhaps Shanks can also be low key gate keeping Raftel and the WG is not going to mess with him while he is busy doing that. The WG wasn't directing a manhunt following the retired Roger Pirates after each of

I don't think he is bad, I just think that he knows more than we do and contains some schedule that we can not know yet which would outwardly appear pretty'poor'. Like he wants to ally with the World Government to keep the secrets of the ancient kingdom secure because he's afraid of the chaos and destruction it could lead to, as a result of his affection for calmness. Whereas Luffy- he's got a fantastic heart, but honestly he's not a moral individual. He broke a number of the planet's worst offenders out of Impel Down without another thought as they were helpful to him. He is a pirate. He's fundamentally not an excellent individual by the cheap Animal Crossing Bells conventional standards, unlike Shanks, therefore he doesn't care about throwing the planet into chaos.
