
The Hiring Landscape in India Post-Pandemic

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The hiring landscape in India post-pandemic is still uncertain, as many businesses are still struggling to cope with the economic downturn. However, some trends have emerged that can help/ guide employers in their hiring practices.

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a severe and long-lasting impact on the hiring landscape in India. Worldwide, the Covid Pandemic affected millions of people in every country and now dramatically modified the hiring and work scenario as well.

The hiring landscape in India post-pandemic is still uncertain, as many businesses are still struggling to cope with the economic downturn. However, some trends have emerged that can help/ guide employers in their hiring practices. The impact of the pandemic on opportunity of Job Vacancy has been particularly acute. 

When the pandemic arrives, it obscured many doubts related to the potential and dependability of part-time or temporary work and it now focuses on remote work and encourages gig workers.


Assocham’s survey said that India’s gig economy is predicted to grow to US$445 Billion by 2024 at a 17% Compound Annual Growth Rate. There is an increasing demand for skilled professionals in the Indian market, leading to high competition for jobs. This disarrangement caused by covid-19 has highlighted the new work practices that change the working strategy.


Here we discuss some of the main operations that companies change according to the situation:


Shifted toward online hiring-

After covid pandemic companies were coerced into switching their hiring and functioning methods, no matter what their domain is, initially this practice seemed non-viable and most of the firms were comfortable with the new method of virtual and onboarding programs in the face of the pandemic. 

Online recruitment was the structured way of hiring, that saved a lot of time and effort for the recruiters as well as for candidates. 

It begins a new direction in the field of technical advancement, saved time and effort and enhances the pool of candidates. Those candidates who were not able to come to take the opportunity to get an interview, now from a distant location were able to join the direct interviews.

The Rise of the New Gig Economy:

The gig economy has been steadily rising in India with the number of people employed in this sector increasing by 5% every year. This growth is attributed to the increase in freelancing and the fact that companies are increasingly outsourcing work to freelancers.

Due to the high fixed cost connected with hiring full-time candidates for start-ups, contract-based freelancers are preferred through organisations for non-core tasks.

Companies and startups considering hiring qualified and technical freelancers (according to their Projects) to strengthen their technological performance in the field of Data science, machine learning and engineering etc.

In a survey by Aon approximately 49% of businesses already employed gig workers, and 65% are going to increase in the next five years.


Flexible Work Environment:

In today’s scenario, this trend highly encourages as this provides a better work-life experience and work-from-home Job Vacancy in Mumbai.

A new trend that gets peaked during the covid-19 pandemic, is working flexibility or work-from-home. It introduces a new trend for companies that offer the fresh possibility to the employees to work from home and still get the same productivity.
