
Alien abduction

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Find out more about the alien implant and abduction experience of a Montauk survivor and alien human hybrid at

Find out more about the alien implant and abduction experience of a Montauk survivor and alien human hybrid at

Alien Abduction Experience of a Montauk Survivor and Alien Human Hybrid
My name is Talop and I am a Vampire Ashram elder who can attest to the fact that I am an alien-human hybrid who has been hybridized and programmed in the infamous Montauk underground in Long Island, New York for use by the rogue reptilian Satanic empire which includes the Illuminati as well as Freemasonic and Luciferian forces.

I can start the telling of this story in April of 1971 when I was born in Lenox Hill hospital in Manhattan, or can I? Conception is far more important than physical birth despite the impacts of birth trauma on human development, and I know that I was quite literally conceived out on Montauk, Long Island because my biological father told me so. Although he never knew how. It is not like I was planned, anyway. Yet he never forgot the night of my conception or how magical he remembered it to be.

While my conception may have been magical my delivery was not, as my biological father also told me that during my birth, my biological mother was unable to push me out and the doctors were unable to pull me out with forceps. So they just left me to push myself out, or die. It took me 2 hours, but I basically delivered myself which gave me a certain strength, I suppose. No doubt this strength has served me well over the course of what has been a very difficult life. Surely millions have had it harder than I, but that doesn’t make my existence any less difficult, nor make me feel any better about it.

The longer a being such as myself exists in a world such as this, the harder their experience gets. This is because what one is, is not meant to be in this world, and the longer one endures here, the more one’s real nature begins to gnaw away at oneself, due to it’s inability to express itself in this world. Sure, you can attempt to bring forth and integrate your "real nature," out of sheer ignorance of what it actually is, by pursuing Reichian breathwork, kundalini yoga, etc., but if these pursuits are continued relentlessly, you will come to learn that much of your "armor" and most of your"blockages” are not the results of social conditioning that can be dropped, or psychodynamic conflicts that can be resolved, but are in fact alien implants and other safety/control mechanisms that were installed by the Greys as part of your hybridization.

Should you succeed in defeating or surmounting any of these obstacles, you will find that this"real you” that you strove to bring forth from the muck and the mire that is your humanity, has no place in this world and thus you have no place in this world. This is the fundamental basis of your angst. Believe me, if you are a hybrid such as I, then the"real you” is something that is both dark and beyond your imagination. Awakening it will not allow your"human” life to"flow” and your human needs to be met because you are not fully human and your needs are in conflict with your humanity. This is what a hybrid ultimately is – the fusion of DNA from species that are in direct opposition to each other in the natural order of the multiverse. We are not talking about crossing a dog with a wolf here, nor a lion with a tiger. We are talking something more in line with crossing a snake with a mongoose!

Signs of Alien Abduction
Some time after my birth my biological mother became a very different person after returning from another trip to Montauk. She began to suffer physical pains as well as psychiatric ones that had no discernible cause. She dropped in intelligence, became very religious and"found Jesus.” She passed away almost 10 years ago with Alzheimer’s in a hospice in the Bronx. What the medical establishment fails to realize is how many cases of Alzheimer’s are actually the mind finally breaking down under all the abuse it has suffered at the hands of Satanically aligned Greys who wipe the mind over-and-over, installing false"screen memories” so one cannot recall the actual memories of abduction and hybridization one has experienced. I for one, have almost no memory of my past. I can tell you where I went to school, etc. but there are very few memories. If you never think of your past and it seems you are living in an endless present with just a handful of memories, you can probably thank the Greys, who abducted you continuously throughout your life if your specific hybridization was valuable enough for them to do so.

It was this utter inability to control my own destiny that had plagued my existence and ultimately led me to Lucifera, who showed me that I was never created to have any control over it in the first place. I know this is an impossible pill for many to swallow, and a truth that a hybrid can only begin to accept after having struggled for so many years to achieve its mundane goals and satisfy its innate drives, only to be met with frustration and failure over-and-over again. After all, most hybrids have so many advantages over regular humans. In my case, when combined with my natural relentlessness imprinted upon me from a traumatic birth, why was I such a failure? Sure, I had built a successful business, but that was what I did to make a living, not how I wanted to actually live. It was as if I was surrounded by glass walls or bound with invisible chains. I could almost hear those chains rattling in moments when I found myself walking down an empty block in Tribeca late at night. My best friend at the time and I used to make notes of how something would be endlessly blocking our efforts and rearranging our lives like in that science-fiction film"Dark City,” and we were always just trying to get to"Shell Beach” to uncover the truth.

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