
How to deal with Long COVID-induced brain fog?

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Brain fog is one of the common side effects of Long Covid and can last for months even after infection. Brain fog can bring your life to a standstill, making even simple daily tasks difficult to perform and coordinate. Therefore, if you are unfortunate enough to suffer from the new crown, you must not be careless. So what are the symptoms?

Symptoms of brain fog

One of the reported short- and long-term effects is brain fog, mostly long-term aftereffects. Brain fog is 'cognitive dysfunction'. This means that consciousness and thought processes are clouded, like being trapped in a thick fog—not being able to grasp ideas, feeling confused or disoriented, and having difficulty concentrating or recalling memories.

Sometimes the body feels great, but the mind is cloudy, confused, and dull. When these symptoms persist, people may suspect a neurological problem, but this is likely the result of Long COVID. Commonly known as brain fog, the cognitive condition can be dealt with through certain lifestyle changes. Dietary tweaks, exercise, and meditation can help get rid of brain fog post covid.

Brain fog is one of the common side effects of Long COVID, and it can even last for months after infection. In addition to fatigue, loss of smell, muscle aches and shortness of breath, people who recover from the coronavirus often experience problems with memory and concentration. Brain fog is not a medical diagnosis, but rather a description that patients tend to use for their symptoms. People who experience this condition find it difficult to perform everyday tasks that require coordination, focus, and memory.

What does brain fog really feel like?

Brain fog can literally bring your life to a standstill, making even simple daily tasks difficult to perform and coordinate, leading to neurological, emotional, and psychological disturbances.

Covid can cause severe brain inflammation, which can lead to brain fog-like symptoms. Recent scientific literature states that an average of 20-30% of people develop brain fog two to three months after infection. Up to 80% of Long COVID patients also have brain fog. While the exact pathogenesis is unknown, recent research speculates that Covid may cause significant and persistent inflammation in the brain, which can dysregulate brain cells and possibly lead to cognitive impairment.

How to Fix Brain Fog

For people experiencing brain fog, developing coping strategies and meditative exercises are some of the steps to combat it. Here's what people can do to combat brain fog

1. Make a list of all the tasks you must complete in a day or week, in case you have problems organizing your tasks. You can try setting up visual reminders, such as calendars, digital alarms, and timers, to keep you productive.
2. Stress is one of the causes of brain fog, and meditation is an effective tool to overcome stress and relax the mind.
3. Exercise can help improve blood and oxygen flow and sharpen your mind.
4. Sleep restores many functions, and a well-rested mind can cope better with stress.

Regarding the relevant treatment measures for long covid brain fog, we can provide a detailed introduction in the article How Long Will Symptoms Of Brain Fog Last After Being Infected With Covid-19? you can read it carefully, and you can also consult relevant treatment measures.
