
A Guide To Install Artificial Turf On Lawn And Terrace

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You've made the conscious decision to start protecting the environment, making your lawn simple to manage, and keeping it green all year long by investing in an artificial lawn.

Nowadays, you will find no difference between high-quality artificial and natural grass, the look and feel are completely similar. The distinction is that you never need to prune, cut, and water it ever. It merely needs to be sometimes hosed down or vacuumed for upkeep. Modern artificial lawn options include lush spring grass with four different colors and the look and feel of real grass.

Required Set Up For A New Artificial Lawn

What you will need is a spade, a hand roller or vibrating plate, a hammer, nails for the border, and a spatula. You can start the installation process as soon as you receive your new artificial lawn grass.

For Lawns:

You must first get your lawn ready. Remove all rocks and shrubs to leave only the soil. After that, a layer of sand needs to be added. Using a hand roller, spread the sand as evenly as you can. The day before you lay the artificial grass, you should soak this layer. Afterward, fasten a fabric weed barrier to this base (having a border of wood helps this part of the process).

Make sure that every roll faces the proper direction if your grass has direction. Fold the edges in once you've spread out your rolls of grass. To join the rolls together, use seaming tape. First, fasten the seaming tape to the base with nails, positioning it between two rolls in the middle. With a spatula, apply glue to the seaming tape. Then, fold the edges of the grass rolls down and press them together to form a seal. Nail the edges of the borders to the wooden beams.

For Terrace:

If you've chosen to put fake grass on a terrace (hard surface) all that is required of you is a thorough cleaning and the removal of any surface flaws. Artificial turf rolls can either be laid out freely or held in place with a small amount of adhesive (SR 505).

To make the grass seem its best, brush it, then sit back and enjoy the results. Even though the upfront artificial grass price may appear high, it will actually provide you with excellent value for very little work because it can last up to ten to fifteen years.
